Merchant Documentation
The documentation for AbleCommerce Gold can be navigated much like the program. The corresponding menu items are linked below. Not all areas have completed documentation, however, you can hold your mouse over the ToolTip for any field within AbleCommerce, and it will explain the individual feature and what it is used for.
As AbleCommerce software changes with each new release, and new features are added, the documentation will be upgraded as soon as possible.

Manage Menu

Catalog Menu
Products - These are the items in your store that you intend to sell.
Image and Asset Manager - Upload, view, and organize the catalog's images and/or assets.
Product Kits - Use Kits to create unique product combinations.
Product Templates - Custom input fields to collect information about a product.
Gift Wrap - Create groups to organize all your gift wrapping styles and options.
Digital Goods - Complete system for electronic delivery of goods.
Batch Edit - Create your own bulk product editing page.

People Menu
Users - User search and management.
User Groups - Use groups to provide access to certain features or set user specific discounts.
Vendors - Vendors are used for drop-shipping and order fulfillment.
Manufacturers - Show customers additional search options by using a Manufacturer.

Marketing Menu
Coupons - Create coupons for orders, products, and shipping.
Volume Discounts - Setup discounts for multiple item purchases or amount spent.
Featured Products - List and manage your featured products.
Email Lists - Create mailing lists to keep your customers informed.

Reports Menu
Sales Reports - View statistics about order amounts, discounts, tax and shipping.
Product Reports - View statistics about product sales, popularity, and inventory.
Customer Reports - View customer sales, baskets, and the most common browsers.
Marketing Reports - Coupon usage details, and reports for the Affiliate feature.
System Reports - Reports showing who is online, orphaned items, and an audit log.

Website Menu
Themes - Manage your theme files and edit the CSS for your store.
Layouts - Create your own layout pages and design the sidebars.
Webpages - Create custom content for your store and use the built-in layouts and themes.
Category Pages - Set the default display page for categories and manage assignments.
Product Pages - Set the default display page for products and manage assignments.
Store Logo - Set your store logo for the website and printed invoices.
Indexes - Rebuild indexes for the Lucene search provider.

Configure Menu
Security - Many security features including SSL, encryption keys, and password policies.
Email - Edit email templates and connect AbleCommerce to your email server.
Regions - Create geographical zones for taxes and shipping.
Payments - Configure a payment processor and add some payment methods.
Shipping - Configure a shipping service and add some shipping methods.
Taxes - Setup your tax rules, specific to state or zip code.
SEO - Search engine optimization features and settings.

Data Exchange Menu