Manage > Notes

Order Notes Manager
The Order Notes feature is a great way to cut down on mistakes made by the customer. After the order is placed, the customer might notice that they are using the wrong shipping address, or ordered the wrong item. By allowing your customers to add a message to their order, you might be able to reduce the number of returns.
When order notes are made by either the customer or the merchant, an email notification can be sent to let the other know that an update has been made to the order.
The feature is optional and can be turned off from the configuration page. If you prefer to disable this feature, see Order Settings.
Managing your Customer's Order Notes
From the merchant administration, you can manage your customer's notes by going to the Manage > Notes page.

The Order Notes Manager page will show all New unread notes by default, with the most recent first. This allows you to see all customer comments without having to visit each order separately. You can respond to an order note from this page as well.
In the upper section, you can set the search criteria to filter your results.
The order note search form has several search options:
Date Range - Click in the fields to open the calendar picker. Choose a specific start and/or end date to show notes for the period selected.
Date Quick Pick - These are a selection of date or range options that can be used to filter notes quickly. Some options include Today, Last 7 Days, Last Month, and many more.
Find Keyword - Search the notes for particular keyword(s).
Author Email - Enter an email address to find all notes written by that user.
Scope - By default, all new unread notes are selected. You can change this to show only notes added by the merchant, or notes added by the customer. You can also show all notes from both sides.
Click the SEARCH button to find notes with the criteria entered.

In the example above, the new unread orders notes are shown. Looking left to right, the columns are described as follows:
Select - Check one or more notes to process.
Order # - Shows the order number. It is linked so you can go directly to the order from here.
Author - The first and last name of the customer who placed the order. Their email address is also shown.
Date - The date and time the note was written.
Message - This column shows the note that was written by either the customer or a merchant.
Actions - Click on the NOTE icon to respond to an individual message. Click on the Preview icon to go directly to the order and view all notes and history.
Processing Unread Notes
Use the search form to find all new unread order notes, as shown in this example.

In the first column, select the individual order notes, or you can check the first box to select all for the page. If you would like to show more notes per page, then adjust the filter at the top of the search results.
Once some notes are checked, click the MARK AS READ button.
This will simply mark the selected notes as being read.
Responding to Customer Notes
In the last column, click on the Note action icon. Next to it, you'll see the Preview icon which will take you directly to the order history and notes section.

A pop-up window will be displayed.

Add a Note to Customer in the field provided. This will appear on their online order invoice. Notice at the bottom you can see the Note History.
If the note is intended for administrators only, then check the box 'This is a private note (hide from customer)'
By default, a box is checked to 'Mark all notes for the order as read'. If there are unread notes, they will all be marked as read by leaving this box checked.
When finished, click the ADD NOTE button.
After a moment, you will be returned to the Manage Notes page.
The customer's invoice will be updated with any notes that have been added -

As the conversation happens, email notifications are being sent to both the customer and the merchants.