Catalog Menu > Products


The products in your store can be as simple as a name and price, or they can be have special features like time-sensitive price reductions, member discounts, inventory control, kits and many other capabilities and display options.

A product can act as a subscription where a separate subscription item is created on purchase.  A subscription is  usually defined by a set length of time.  You can use the subscription feature with member groups to give users special benefits based on their subscription membership.  When the subscription period is over, the user will be automatically removed from the group.  This is one way you can use subscriptions.

You can create unique Product Kits with AbleCommerce.  A wide range of Kit configurations can be used to create  simple gift baskets, or you can offer completely custom product configurations.

This chapter covers the following sections:
Related Chapters for the following sections:

Find the Browse Catalog page

  1. Mouse-over the Catalog menu item and then select Categories, or -

    Click the CATALOG icon
    in the top-right corner.

  1. This will bring you to the Browse Catalog page.  

  2. Find the Category that you want to add a product to by clicking through the linked Category names.

  3. To edit existing products, click on the linked Product names.

  4. To add new products, click on the Product link in the Add Items section.