Released Version: AbleCommerce Gold, Release 11, Build 8643
Release Date: 10/08/2015
Change Log from Gold R10 to Gold R11
Applies To: This upgrade can be applied to existing AbleCommerce Gold R10 (build 8302) or Gold R10 SR1 (build 8620) installations.
Download: After logging in to your account, you can visit the Downloads page to obtain the file(s) needed for upgrading.
Upgrading from older versions of Gold: If you are using AbleCommerce Gold R9 or lower, then you can apply incremental upgrades as needed, so that you will be using R10 before applying the upgrade to R11. If you are behind on upgrades, you can also install a full version of R11 and migrate any customizations, themes, and data to the new install. See the "Automatic Database Upgrade" section below for more information.
Upgrading from AbleCommerce 7.0.x: If you are upgrading from AbleCommerce 7, please go here first for instructions, and then you will still be able to upgrade to the latest version of AbleCommerce Gold.
Patches: You should apply
the Service Release for Gold R11
before applying any newer hot patches.
PRE-UPGRADE Step:This upgrade will ensure that you have an additional layer of encryption to your existing encryption key. Before applying the upgrade, please take a backup of your existing key.
1) Download Upgrade to temporary locationThis upgrade is available to active subscription holders. To obtain the file, login to the website and go to the customer account area. From the Downloads tab, in the top section, you can see all files that are available to you by subscription. Be sure to download the files and keep an original for backup.
2) Confirm LicenseDo not install the upgrade unless your license subscription is valid through the "release date" of the build you are installing, or you have a license key for the latest version. The license key for Gold R11 is 7.0.91 There are two ways to see if you have a valid subscription for this upgrade: Login
to your AbleCommerce Merchant Menu and go to the Configure
> Security > Licensing page. - OR - Open the "commercebuilder.lic" file located in the \app_data\ folder with a txt program such as notepad. e.g. <subscription>10-08-15</subscription> If your license purchase included
a subscription, a line similar to the one above will be shown
in your key file.
3) Backup your Existing Production Files and DatabaseAlways make a backup copy of the entire AbleCommerce folder and the database before beginning any upgrade..
4) Installation of New Files to Production ServerIn this upgrade release, there are a few files that will be need to be adjusted manually. Please refer to the Post Upgrade instructions for more information. ~\web.config ~\App_Data\EmailTemplates\
5) Automatic Database UpgradeWhen you login to the merchant administration for the first time, the database will be upgraded automatically. The database changes will be completed regardless of which AbleCommerce Gold version you are upgrading from. For a complete list of database changes, see below.
6) Automatic Re-indexIf you are using the Lucene search provider, we will re-index the database automatically after the upgrade. Re-indexing could get interrupted if the server is restarted. If this happens, simply access the Website > Indexes page to manually re-index the database.
7) Post-Upgrade Instructions and InformationIMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING NEW ENCRYPTION After upgrading, you may experience a problem with the gateway
(payment, tax, or shipping) configuration data disappearing. Please
confirm the gateway settings have not been lost by logging into
the Merchant Admin and viewing the configuration page for any
gateway that you have enabled. If the fields containing
connection data are blank, then this issue needs to be fixed by
following the instructions in Machine
Key and Encryption. Otherwise, your encryption is working
fine. a) MAY BE A REQUIRED STEP TO DISABLE MOBILE STORE (read below): In new installs of Gold R10, the mobile store is supposed to be disabled by default because of the new responsive templates. The setting was not working properly, and as a work-around, it needed to be checked (enabled) to actually disable the mobile store. If you had previously enabled the mobile store as a temporary work-around to fix issue AC8-2810 (Disable mobile store not working properly), then you need to undo that change after applying the upgrade to R11. To do this, go to the Configure > Store > Mobile Settings page and check the box to disable the mobile store.
b) REQUIRED FOR PCI COMPLIANCE To be compliant with PA-DSS version 3.0, you must change the session time-out from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. This is a manual change if you are applying the service patch. This change is only required for production websites. Open your web.config file and find the following lines of code: CHANGE FROM - <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms timeout="90" slidingExpiration="true" name="ACGOLD.ASPXAUTH"/> </authentication> <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="30" cookieName="ACGOLD.SESSIONID"/> CHANGE TO - <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms timeout="15" slidingExpiration="true" name="ACGOLD.ASPXAUTH"/> </authentication> <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="15" cookieName="ACGOLD.SESSIONID"/>
c) REQUIRED - EMAIL TEMPLATE UPDATES AND CHANGES Several changes have been made to the email templates. This includes -
If you have not customized your email templates, then you can directly copy the new files over your original ones. COPY THE FOLLOWING FILES FROM - ~\App_Data\EmailTemplates\Default\ Affiliate Registration.html (new) Contact Us Confirmation.html (new) Lost Password.html Order Shipped.html Order Shipped Partial.html Products Review Reminder.html Subscription Cancellation Notice.html Subscription Enrollment.html Subscription Expiration Notification.html Subcription Expired.html Subscription Payment Reminder.html Subscription Updated.html COPY TO - ~\App_Data\EmailTemplates\1\ If you have customized your email templates that are located in the \App_Data\EmailTemplates\1\ folder, you can use a tool like WinMerge to easily find the changes between versions R10 and R11 and get them merged.
d) OPTIONAL - CHANGE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR RECURRING ORDERS FEATURE If you are using the Recurring Orders feature, you may want to modify to change the default settings as follows: From the Configure > Store > Subscriptions page, change - Create Next Order = 0 (creates new order on the day that it is due) Send Payment Reminder = 3 (sends reminder 3 days before payment is due) These setting changes are optional, however, we have identified an issue where the payment reminder will not be sent unless it is greater than or equal to the Create Next Order setting. Make certain that you modify your settings accordingly.
e) OPTIONAL - NEW SETTING TO RETAIN SUBSCRIPTIONS X DAYS BEFORE REMOVING THEM If you are using the classic subscription or new Recurring Order subscription feature, then you may want to look at a new feature available from the Maintenance page. By default, all subscriptions are removed once they have expired. You can now enter the number of days that you want to retain the subscriptions before they are removed. They will still be shown as expired, but can be used for reference if needed. From the Configure > Store > Maintenance page, view - Retain Expired Subscriptions = 0 (remove upon expiration - change this value if desired)
f) OPTIONAL - ADD NEW CONTACT FORM A new feature is available which allows you to easily create a contact form and add it to your upgraded installation. From the Website > Webpages page, edit your existing "Contact Us" page by adding this control tag in an appropriate place on the page. [[ConLib:ContactUs EnableCaptcha="False" EnableConfirmationEmail="True" ConfirmationEmailTemplateId="0" Subject="New Contact Message" SendTo=""]] For more information about implementing this feature, please see the Merchant Guide.
g) OPTIONAL - ADD NEW CATEGORY DISPLAY PAGE FOR WEBPAGE BLOGS A new feature is available which allows you to create a website Blog integrated with your store. By using authored Webpages, you can created unlimited Blog pages that are organized by category. Use the new controls for Article Listing Sidebar and Article Listing category to easily provide information about your services or products. From the Website > Category Pages page, add a new display page named 'Article Listing' that will output a simple Blog for your store. [[ConLib:ArticleListing DefaultCaption="Blog" DefaultCategorySummary="Welcome to our store blog." PagingLinksLocation="BOTTOM" ShowSummary="True" ShowDescription="False" DisplayBreadCrumbs="True" DefaultPageSize="5"]] For more information about implementing this feature, please see the Merchant Guide.
h) INFORMATIONAL - CATEGORY PAGES NOW SUPPORT THE DEFAULT ADMIN SORT For all the category display pages that do not use the deep item display function, you will notice that they now support a new sorting option. This option is called the 'Default' sort and it will use the same sort order that have in your Merchant Administration. The category display pages that support this feature are - Category List Category Details Category Grid 2 Category Grid 4
i) INFORMATIONAL - NEW CUSTOM.CSS STYLESHEET OVERRIDE TO MAKE STYLE CHANGES EASIER You will now find an empty custom.css in the ~/App_Themes/Bootstrap_Responsive folder which will help developers add or edit styles without having to use a 3rd-party "less" editor. This requires a reference to this custom file in the file. The benefit to using the custom.css file is to make upgrades easier. If you maintain all your custom style changes in a separate file, then you can easily apply upgrades without having to merge or track your changes.
Informational Only - Database ChangesThe database changes will be automatic after upgrading. It is NOT necessary to make changes manually. This is provided for informational purposes only.
LabelImageId INT IDENTITY NOT NULL OrderShipmentId INT NOT NULL ShipGatewayId INT NULL LabelImageData VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY(LabelImageId) New field added to ac_OrderShipments table ProviderShipmentNumber nvarchar(18) NULL Two new fields added to ac_Webpages table PublishedBy nvarchar(150) NULL PublishDate datetime NULL
If you need to merge any customizations,
we recommend that you use a file compare and merge utility such
as WinMerge. WinMerge is Open Source file compare and merge
utility which runs on all modern Windows versions. Latest
WinMerge version and other WinMerge information is available at
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