UPS Online® Tools
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With UPS OnLine® Tools, customers can get real-time shipping
rates to domestic U.S., Canadian, and international addresses.
Your customers can also view UPS tracking information for
their packages right from your store! You can enable UPS
OnLine® Tools by entering your account information within AbleCommerce.
This allows you to begin testing real-time shipping rates
without a UPS account.
The AbleCommerce integration with UPS Online® Tools includes
the UPS Rates & Service Selection Tool and the UPS Tracking
Tool. The AbleCommerce UPS integration includes features
like selecting your rate based on customer type, including insurance,
and package tracking. AbleCommerce uses your product's weight
and dimensions to calculate the most accurate rates possible.
International shipping is available from many locations –
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South
Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom,
United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Venezuela.
UPS Online®
Tools Features and Requirements
UPS Online®
Tools requires you to register online through AbleCommerce.
Providing a shipping account number is optional.
UPS expects all product measurements to be
in pounds and inches. Rates will still be calculated if you
use a different unit of measurement, but there is additional
overhead in converting the measurements. You will have the
best performance if you use pounds and inches to begin with.
Shipping to international destinations is
Shipment tracking features are built-into
AbleCommerce. Tracking services are provided by UPS
Printing Labels with automated tracking number
Address Verification Services.
Negotiated (discounted) business rates.
Installing the UPS Plug-in for AbleCommerce
Login to your AbleCommerce installation.
Using the menu, go to the Plugins
Use the Filter
Plugins option and select the type "Shipping".
UPS plugin will be available in the list as shown in the screenshot

Click the green Install
button in the far right column.
When the confirmation popup appears, click
the green Yes, install it
Upon completion, click the orange Configure

NOTE: Version shown may be
different depending on the release of AbleCommerce you are
Register with UPS®
In order to use UPS OnLine® Tools you must have an active account
with them.
After installing, go to the Configure
> Shipping > Carriers page from the admin menu.
Any installed shipping carriers will be available
from this page. Click the blue plus (+) button or linked name
to continue to the registration page.

Carefully read the on-screen instructions before continuing.
If you don't have an existing account, register
with UPS at
Once registered, you should receive an email
containing the information needed to complete this registration.
Make sure your account has been activated
by UPS and then enter your UPS
User ID and Password
in the fields provided.
Also enter the Access
Key and your UPS Account
Number into the fields provided.
Click the Next
button to continue, or CANCEL to quit and return to the previous
After completing the short registration process,
you will be on the Configure
USPS® page as shown in the next section.
Configure UPS Online®
You must use a warehouse with an address supported from the
UPS account.
From Configure
> Shipping > Carriers page, click the EDIT
icon for UPS. This will bring you to the Configuration

The UPS User
ID, Password, Access
Key and Account Number
previously entered are shown in the first four fields. These
elements identify your UPS Online Tools account.
The UPS Account Number is necessary if you wish to offer negotiated
(discounted) shipping rates or the print labels feature.
Review and choose the appropriate Customer
Type which should match your UPS account.
This type of shipping determines which rates
will be shown to your customers. An incorrect setting for
Customer Type will result in less accurate rate estimates.
You must contact UPS and make sure your account is configured
for negotiated rates.
If you have an established an account with
UPS, you can use the printing label feature to generate tracking
numbers and labels. Check the box next to Enable
Printing of Labels.
The Optional
Insurance option can include shipping insurance with
the shipping amounts. When enabled, all real-time rates will
reflect the additional cost (if any) for insurance. If you
want the estimated rate to include insurance, check the bo
for it. When this option is checked, AbleCommerce sends
the value of the shipment to the service rate provider. Most
shipping services already provide insurance up to a certain
amount. The default setting is 'No', or unchecked.
The Enable
Package Breakup option is checked by default. This
allows a shipment to be split into multiple parts if the total
order weight exceeds the maximum amount. This will not
change the number of shipments in the order, only the calculation
to determine the most accurate shipping costs.
The Maximum
Weight is this carriers limit for a package. The
default value is 150 lbs.
The Minimum
Weight is the amount used when the order weight does
not meet the minimum.
Enable Address
Validation is an optional service that can be used
when a customer enters an address during checkout. If
a better address can be suggested to the customer, they will
see an alternate address and be allowed to use the suggested
one, or keep the address as entered. Check the box to enable
this feature.
- For UPS, you will need to have your account enabled for this
feature, and you can only use it in conjunction with UPS shipping
- You may not
use UPS for Address Validation while using a different provider
for shipping rates.
- You should not
activate more than one Address Validation Service within AbleCommerce.
The URL settings
come pre-configured when you create the shipping account through
AbleCommerce. These URL's can change so the fields are
available for modification. It is not advisable to modify
the URL's here unless specifically instructed to do so.
Address Service Test URL: The URL to which requests
are posted in Test mode.
Address Service Live URL: The URL to which requests
are posted in Live mode.
Rating URL: The URL to which requests are posted in
Live mode.
Test Server URL: The URL to which requests are posted
in Test Mode.
Tracking URL: The URL to which requests are sent
for package tracking. {0} is substituted with the tracking
number at the time of request.
The Mode
settings are used to enable/disable rates from the
test server. Debugging can also be enabled which can
help with any communication problems.
Test Mode: When Test
Mode is enabled, rate requests are sent to test server using
the Test Mode URL.
Debug Mode: When debug mode is enabled, all messages
sent to and received from UPS are logged. This should only
be enabled at the direction of qualified support personnel.
Default Log File Location:
After making any changes, click the SAVE button. To complete
the shipping carrier setup, see Adding
or Removing Shipping Methods in the next section.
Or, you can click the SAVE AND CLOSE button to return to the
Shipping Carriers page.
Adding or Removing Shipping Methods
Configuring Shipping Services for UPS Online® Tools
You must select the services you want to be available to your
customers. Each service (shipping method) is configured
separately once it's added.
In the bottom section of the page, you will
see the Shipping Method
menu. This is a list of all services offered by the
provider. You should review the entire list of shipping
services offered and decide which ones you want to make available
as shipping options in your store.
You can use the buttons from the Action
column to individually Add or Edit the shipping method.
Check the box next to one or more shipping methods,
or check the box at the top of the first column to quickly
select all methods.
This will activate the Update
button, which will drop-down to provide 2 options: either
Add or Remove
the selected methods.
The update will take place immediately after selection.

In this example, we will add and configure
the "UPS Ground" service. Check the box next to
all others you want to offer as a shipping service.
Using the Update
button, select the option Add
selected methods.
The selected shipping services now appear
at the top of the list and each will be linked for configuration.

To remove an individual shipping method, use
the Remove button
in the Action column, or you can select multiple methods by
checking the box in the first column and activating the Update button which will
give you the option to select Remove
selected methods. The update will take place immediately
after selection.
Configure a Shipping Method
Each shipping method will use its own configuration
settings. To configure a shipping service, click the
EDIT button to view
the Configure page.

The above example shows the default
configuration values for all shipping services that
are added.
Change the Shipping
Method Name if needed. This is the name that
will be displayed to the customer and the merchant on all
invoices and receipts.
Note: Most third-party
carriers do not want the names of their shipping methods changed.
If these shipping charges are taxable, then
select a Shipping Tax Code.
Make sure you understand the tax laws according to your
local tax authority.
Taxes on shipping charges are combined with any other taxes
calculated for the shipment.
Use the Handling
Fee field to include a charge for handling or processing.
The handling fee can be a fixed amount, percent of the
shipping charge, or a percentage of the shipment total. After
entering the amount, select one of these three options available.
There is a display option to either show the
Handing Fee included in
the shipping cost, which will hide the amount in the
shipping cost. Or to show
the handling fee separately, where it will be displayed
as a separate line item on the invoice. If you show
the handling fee separately, you may then select a Handling
Tax Code if you are required to collect tax on this
type of charge.
The Minimum
Purchase field is the designated minimum value of a
shipment before this shipping method will be available. Until
this limit is met, the shipping method will not display.
A minimum purchase value applies to the total of each shipment,
not the total of the order.
The Maximum
Purchase field is the designated maximum value of a
shipment before this shipping method will be available. If
this limit is exceeded, the shipping method will not display.
A maximum purchase value applies to the total of each shipment,
not the total of the order.
When finished making changes, be sure to Save.
Additional Settings
There are three optional configurations which can be used to
filter shipping methods that are shown to the customer.

These additional settings allow you to display available shipping
methods according to the shipping groups (used for custom shipping
conditions and locations where products are shipped from), the
zones (regions the products are shipped to), and/or any groups
that a customer is assigned to. By default, every new method added
will use all available destinations, special shipping conditions,
and user groups. To make shipping methods explicit to any of these
criteria, follow the steps given below.
Shipping with Ship Groups
Ship Groups are typically used for products that have special
shipping requirements, such as perishables, oversized, or overweight.
You can also define the shipping origin.
To setup Ship Groups, go to Configure
> Shipping > Ship Groups using the menu.
If this shipping service needs to be applied
to a specific warehouse(s), then you will need to setup Ship
Groups first. The warehouse determines the origin of shipping,
and ship groups allows you to choose specific warehouses and
define which shipping methods and products will be available
to them.
A warehouse determines the shipping origin.

If this shipping method will be allowed from
all locations and types, then keep the default All
Ship Groups option selected.
Shipping with Zones
Zones allow you to configure specific places for use with many
features, including shipping methods.
To setup Zones, go to Configure
> Regions > Zones using the menu.
If the shipping service applies to a specific
Zone(s), select it from the Selected
Zones list.
A zone determines the shipping destination.

If the shipping service applies to all ship
to locations, then keep the default All
Zones option selected.
Shipping with User Groups
When you apply a shipping service to a user group, then it will
only appear for the users who are logged in as members of that
To setup User Groups, go to People > Users > User Groups
for regular customers. To setup User Groups for administrators
only, go to People > Admins > Admin Groups.
If the shipping service applies to a
specific User Group or Admin Group, select it from the Selected
Groups list.

If the shipping service applies to everyone,
admin and customers alike, then keep the default All
Groups option selected.
When finished configuring this shipping method,
press the Save button
to continue.
Configuring Additional Services for UPS Online® Tools
At the bottom of the Configure Shipping Carrier
page, there will be a list of service names for the selected

When finished configuring a shipping method
service, you may want to Save
and then select another service type to configure.
After you have completed all configurations,
press the Save and Close
button to return to the list of all methods. This will include
all shipping methods for all carriers any custom methods you
have created.
This will bring you back to the Shipping
Methods page which displays all configured shipping
service types available for the store.

The Type
column displays the shipping service and any custom methods
in place.
Additional columns are shown for Ship
Groups, Zones,
and User
Groups. Each of these features are documented separately.
From this page, you can add,
sort, remove and configure all shipping methods.
To add a new shipping carrier, go to the Plugins
page using the menu. You may have as many services and combinations
of shipping carriers as needed.
Troubleshooting Techniques
Use this quick guide if the shipping methods are not appearing
during the checkout process.
Confirm your product(s) are shippable and have a weight.
Some carriers require dimensions as well. This information
is found within the Shipping
and Tax section of the Edit Product page.
Confirm you warehouse (the shipping origin) has a valid
address for the carrier. Go to Configure
> Shipping > Warehouses to check address information.
On the same page, you will be able to find all the products
assigned to this warehouse.
Confirm you are shipping to a valid
address for the method. For example, some shipping
methods will only appear if they are within a particular country
or state. Another example, ground transportation is not available
to Hawaii from the mainland United States.
If the carrier requires an account
number or key, confirm the information is correct from
the applicable service carrier's configuration page. This
information is found under the Configure > Shipping >
Carriers page.
Check the available shipping services you have configured
and make certain they have the correct
ship groups or zones defined for the package and address
delivery. This step applies if you have configured special
shipping situations using Ship Groups and/or Zones.
From the configuration page of the carrier, there is
a checkbox to enable Debug
Mode. Only use this feature if all steps above have
been confirmed. Once debug is enabled, test a shipment calculation
through the checkout process. This will log an entry.
Then you will need to access
the debug log file which is located on the server in
the following location ...\website\App_Data\logs\*carrier
Open the file and carefully review
the data that was SENT and RECEIVED. In the received
response, there should be a message or error indicating the
reason the shipping method did not calculate on the shipment
received. If needed, provide this information to technical
When finished troubleshooting, make sure to turn
OFF debug mode.
Successful Shipping Rates
When the shipping carrier is setup correctly, the user should
see the selected shipping methods and rates on the /Checkout/ShipMethod
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