AbleCommerce provides three types of coupons:
Order Coupon - Provide a discount on the entire order.
e.g. 10% off the entire order.
Product Coupon - Provide a discount for a specific line item.
e.g. Buy one get one free.
Shipping Coupon - Provides a discount on shipping charges for an order.
e.g. Free shipping coupon.
Selecting a Coupon Type
Before you create a coupon, you need to decide on the type of coupon you wish to offer.
From the Manage Coupons page, or from the top-menu, go to Marketing > Coupons.
Click the ADD COUPON button in the lower-left corner.
Select the type of coupon you would like to create.

Click the NEXT button to continue.
Depending on the type of coupon you are creating, proceed to one of the sections below:
The order coupon will discount a percentage or amount from the order. An order coupon will only deduct amounts from the sub-total of the order. It will not deduct from shipping costs. You can combine an Order Coupon with a Shipping Coupon to deduct shipping costs.

Enter a Name for the Coupon. This will be displayed on all invoices.
Enter a Coupon Code. This is the code, entered by the customer, that will activate the coupon.
Enter the Discount Amount and select whether it is a percent or fixed amount.
e.g. 10% off the total order amount or $10 off the total order amount
If desired, enter the Max Value. This is the maximum discount that can be provided by this coupon.
If desired, enter the Min. Purchase amount. This determines the minimum purchase in order for the coupon to be valid.
For additional configuration and features, see Coupon Options below.
The product coupon will discount a product. Typically, a product coupon is used to incent a customer to purchase multiple quantities. In the following example, we will show you how to setup a product coupon that gives a customer a free product with the purchase of two. You can also create a simple product coupon as well.

Enter a Name for the Coupon. This will be displayed on all invoices.
Enter a Coupon Code. This is the code, entered by the customer, that will activate the coupon.
Enter the Discount Amount and select whether it is a percent or fixed amount.
e.g. 10% off the product price or $10 off the product price
Enter the Quantity of products that must be purchased to qualify for the coupon. Enter one (1) for a minimum.
In this example, we want the customer to purchase 3 of any one item to qualify for the coupon. Note the Discount Amount is 100%. This coupon will discount the 3rd item by 100%.
The Repeat option can be checked if you wish to offer the discount when multiple of the required quantity is met. If you do not check this box, then the coupon will only be applied once regardless of the quantity purchased.
e.g. Repeat is enabled. In this example, the customer purchases 3 items, gets 1 for free. The customer purchases 6 items, gets 2 for free, and so on.
e.g. Repeat is disabled. In this example, the customer purchases 3 items, gets 1 for free. The customer purchases 6 items, but only gets 1 for free.
For additional configuration and features, see Coupon Options below.
The Shipping Coupon is used to deduct shipping costs. You can choose to offer discounts on all shipping methods or just certain ones.

Enter a Name for the Coupon. This will be displayed on all invoices.
Enter a Coupon Code. This is the code, entered by the customer, that will activate the coupon.
Enter the Discount Amount and select whether it is a percent or fixed amount.
e.g. 100% off the shipping cost or $10 off the shipping cost
If desired, enter the Max Value. This is the maximum discount that can be provided by this coupon.
If desired, enter the Min. Purchase amount. This determines the minimum purchase in order for the coupon to be valid.
For additional configuration and features, see Coupon Options below.
You can restrict the shipping coupon for particular Shipping Methods:
Valid for all methods: Use this option if there are no restrictions for the coupon.
Valid only for selected methods: Use this option if the coupon can only be applied to selected shipping methods.
Not valid for selected methods: Use this option if the coupon will be valid for all shipping methods excepted for the selected ones.
Each type of coupon have the same configuration options. These settings are not required to create a coupon but are available if you have special requirements.

You can enter a Start Date and/or an End Date for which the coupon will be valid.
If desired, enter the maximum number of Uses per Customer. The determines how many times a particular customer can use the coupon.
If desired, enter the Max Uses for this coupon. This is the maximum number of times this coupon can be used by all customers.
When the Allow Combine box is checked, the coupon can be used, or combined, with other valid coupons. If it is not checked, the coupon is only valid when used by itself.
You can select a Product Rule which determines which products the coupon can be used for.
Valid for any product: Use this option if there are no restrictions for the coupon.
Valid only with selected products: Use this option if the coupon can only be applied to selected product(s).
Not valid for selected products: Use this option if the coupon will be valid for all products excepted for the selected ones.
If you have chosen a product rule that excludes or includes selected products, click the Change link to view a page similar to the one shown below.

To find a product, type in a full or partial search term for the Product Name. Wildcard (*) values are accepted. (e.g. *print* will result in All-in-One Printer and Printer Paper)
You can tick the Show Thumbnails check box to display product images in your search results.
Click the SEARCH button to see the result.

Find the product(s) you wish to include or exclude for this coupon and click the ADD button for each one.
In the left column, you will see these products appear in the Linked Products section of the page.

You can remove any product by simply clicking the red circle X icon.
When you have completed the selection process, click the FINISH button to return to the Edit Coupon page.
The last coupon option allows you to select Groups.

If you choose All Groups, then any user with a valid coupon code can apply it to the order.
If you want the coupon to be valid for only users that are part of a Selected Group, then check the box next to the name of the group it is valid for.
Click the SAVE or SAVE AND CLOSE button when finished.