Manage > Orders > View Order # > Automatic Fulfillment


A subscription in AbleCommerce is a product that has a subscription plan created for it.  A subscription plan can be used for products that have a requirement to collect an initial payment, and/or additional payments on a recurring billing plan you create. (e.g. Fruit-of-the-Month-Club)

When a subscription plan is created, you will be able to choose the name, customer group, and billing options like the payment frequency and total number of payments.

The automatic recurring billing option is only available for payment gateways that support it.

When a subscription product is purchased, it cannot be modified except for the expiration date.  This is because the subscription may be part of a recurring billing plan that was previously initiated with the payment gateway.

From the Manage > Subscriptions area, you can view the details of all subscriptions and the products they are part of.

Fulfill an Order with a Subscription

REQUIREMENTS: The order must contain a product with a subscription plan.  

  1. From the Summary page, click the Subscriptions tab in the left-side menu.

  2. This will take you to the Subscriptions page for the order.  From this page, you can see the name of the subscription plan, the customer's name, an activation check, and expiration date.  


  3. By default, the subscriptions are not active.  Click the "activate" link to enable this subscription plan.  The page will be refreshed to include the expiration date as shown.


  4. You can cancel the plan at any time by clicking the "cancel" link.  This will remove the subscription plan from the order.

IMPORTANT:  A subscription plan that uses the automated recurring billing feature must be managed at the payment gateway level.  This includes editing the payment amounts, dates, expiration, and cancelation.  Once AbleCommerce sends the initial transaction information to the payment gateway, any changes to the billing plan must take place via your merchant service provider.  

What does the customer see for Subscriptions?

The customer can login to their account and view their order to see the subscription plan.  

Inactive Subscription

For an inactive subscription, the customer will see something like this:



Active Subscription

For an active subscription, the customer will see something like this:




Related Topics

Manage > Subscriptions
View all subscription plans and the orders they belong to.

Catalog > Category > Product > Subscriptions
Setup and edit the pricing and frequency of a subscription product.