Manage > Orders


Order History and Notes

The importance of keeping a log of events concerning your order can be a huge benefit if any problems arise in the future.  That is why AbleCommerce has a totally automated system of tracking this for you.

There are two types of information logged for each order.  This information appears on the Order History and Notes page.  

Automated entries, or historical logs, are shown when any action takes place with the order such as payment,  refund, shipping, etc.

The order notes, or comments, can be used for private or public communication with customers.

This section covers the following topics:
  • Order History - Automatic recorded events related to order processing.

  • Order Notes - Comments added for internal or public viewing and response.

Find the History and Notes page

  1. Mouse-over the Manage menu item and then select Orders, or -


    Click the ORDERS icon
    in the top-right corner.

  1. Any recent orders will automatically appear in the search results.

  2. Find the order you want to view or change.


  3. Click the "details" link for the order.  This will bring you to the Summary page.

  4. In the left-side menu, click the History and Notes tab to view the Order History and Notes page.
