As the owner of the AbleCommerce e-commerce platform, you can seamlessly enable credit card, debit card, and PayPal payments by integrating with Braintree. Use the online application form to get instant approval for your new or existing PayPal account.
Braintree Processing Features
AbleCommerce supports all the standard features of the Braintree payment gateway.
Authorize Capture (Sale)
Partial Capture
Partial Refund
Braintree is a subsidiary of PayPal. Amounts will be USD, or as configured within your merchant account.
Download and Install
We have pre-released the Braintree integration. At this time, the download is only available for the latest version, which is AbleCommerce Gold R12 SR1 (build 9266).
Braintree-Gold-R12SR1b9380-WSP.zip (Web Site project)
Braintree-Gold-R12SR1b9380-WAP.zip (Web Application project requires recompiling)
Source code is available upon request via your order. You must have already purchased the full source code and have an active subscription.
Make a backup of all files before installing.
Extract the files from one of the downloads above and put them in a temporary folder.
Copy the extracted files into their respective locations.
Restart the application pool, or IIS services.
Enable Braintree Payment Gateway
PayPal's Braintree payment gateway offers a new easy connect method where you can sign-up using your existing PayPal account, or create a new Braintree account.
From the Payment Gateways page in AbleCommerce, click the ADD GATEWAY button.
From the Add Gateway page, click the icon for PayPal Braintree gateway.
You should see a page like this:

First, you must select your connection environment. If you are testing, then select Sandbox. For live accounts, be sure to select the Production option.
Note: In order to switch between Sandbox and Production, you will need to delete/remove the integration and re-add it.
After selecting the type of connection, you will click the black "B Connect with Braintree" button to begin.
Next, you will be redirected to a special Braintree / AbleCommerce website. From this page, there are a couple of registration options:

If you do not have an existing PayPal or Braintree account, then use the tabbed (default) option to 'Sign Up with Braintree'. Enter your email address and a new password into the fields provided. The click the green 'Agree and Create Account' button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to read the terms and conditions before creating your account.
If you already have an existing PayPal account, then select the tabbed option 'Already have an account?'. You will now see a form like the one below:

You can either login with an existing Braintree account, or choose the blue button to Log in with an existing PayPal account.
During the next step, you will be asked a series of questions about your business and order process. A credit check will be performed and, if approved, you can begin using Braintree payments right away.
The last step requires that you agree to allow your AbleCommerce store to access the Braintree account. You must agree in order to process payments through AbleCommerce.

Click the green button 'Agree and Return to...". Then you will be redirected back to your AbleCommerce store.
The last step is to configure your AbleCommerce settings for payments. You will see a page similar to the one below.

You should now be looking at the AbleCommerce configuration page for the PayPal Braintree Gateway.

If you used the automated connection method, then you should already have your Merchant ID populated in the field provided. If you are using the manual connect method, you can enter your Merchant ID in this field.
If you used the automated connection method, then you should already have your Access Token populated in the field provided. If you are using the manual connect method, you can enter your Access Token in this field.
The Gateway Mode is determined before sign-up. In order to switch between Sandbox and Production, you will need to delete/remove the integration and re-add it. You can do this by going to the Configure > Payments > Gateways page. Find the PayPal Braintree Gateway instance and click the red X icon in the far right column.
Choose the type of Authorization Mode.
Authorize: to request authorization without capturing funds at the time of purchase. You can capture authorized transactions through the order admin interface.
Authorize & Capture: to capture funds immediately at the time of purchase. You should not use this feature unless you are able to ship goods the same day of the sale.
Debug Mode is an optional feature and should only be enabled at the direction of AbleCommerce support for troubleshooting purposes.
- Log files are stored in the \app_data\logs\ folder and will be named to match the gateway.
At the bottom of the page, there is a section called Payment Methods. The Braintree integration supports standard credit cards and payment through PayPal. If you need to add payment methods (eg. Visa, MasterCard, etc.), then you will need to go to the Configure > Payments > Methods page.
NOTE: If you already have an existing PayPal integration, then you can easily change to Braintree by ensuring that the PayPal payment method is assigned to the Braintree payment gateway. Changing the standard PayPal payment method to Braintree should eliminate the past reliability issues with IPN notifications.
At the bottom of the page, click the SAVE button.
Braintree Credit Card Payments
Once Braintree is configured, your customers will be able to easily pay by credit card or with their PayPal account.

AbleCommerce uses a custom integration with Braintree so that the payment form will be consistent between all payment gateways. If the customer selects the Credit/Debit card option from the available payment methods, then a form will appear where card type can be selected. Standard payment data is entered and a button to Pay With Card is provided to complete the transaction.
Braintree PayPal Payments
Including PayPal with your Braintree integration will allow your customers to have a much more streamlined payment option. Huge improvements have been made with PayPal in conjunction with the Braintree integration. No longer will the merchant have to rely in the instant payment notification service which was sometimes unreliable. Additionally, the customer will make payment directly from the payment page and an order will not be generated until that payment is complete.

The customer can select PayPal from the payment method list and a new blue PayPal button will be available. This new PayPal method keeps the customer on your website. Instead of leaving your store, a pop-up window appears where the customer can login to their PayPal account and provide a payment. This ensures that you will not end up with unprocessed orders. If the PayPal payment is canceled, the customer will remain on the payment page in your AbleCommerce store.
Manual Connection with Braintree
The manual connect option is for testing only. Before using this option, you should already have connection information for Braintree.
This option can be used to manually connect AbleCommerce to the PayPal Braintree payment system.
Post-order Processing
All AbleCommerce payment gateway integrations offer full support for post-order processing. This means that after an order is placed, you can authorize, capture, refund, and void transactions from the AbleCommerce order administration area.
Some post-order processing features, such as refunds, may require that you enable credit card storage from the Security > System Settings page.
Testing with Braintree
Setup a Braintree sandbox account through https://www.braintreepayments.com/sandbox/
Setup a sandbox account using the Braintree configuration page in AbleCommerce.
Complete the integration by making sure payment methods are assigned to Braintree.
At the bottom of the configuration page, click the SAVE button.
Using the credit card numbers listed below, you can test transactions.
Be sure to remove and add a new integration using a live account before processing real credit card transactions.
Braintree Test Credit Card numbers
Visa 4111111111111111
MasterCard 5500000000000004
American Express 378282246310005
Discover 6011111111111117
There may be additional features within your Braintree account that have not been tested with AbleCommerce. If you enable unsupported features, you are doing so at your own risk.