Offline Payments
There is no limit to the number or type of payments that can be applied to an order. There are many ways a merchant can apply a payment to an order. AbleCommerce provides the flexibility to do just that. The information collected and displayed is different between a credit card transaction and an offline payment method.
An offline payment is how you accept other types payments. Some examples of offline payment methods are:
AbleCommerce has built-in support for the offline payment methods shown above. You can add as many custom payment methods as you like through the Configure > Payment Methods page.
Record an Offline Payment
From the Payments page, click the ADD NEW PAYMENT button located at the top of the page.
Select the option 'Record Payment'.
Choose an option from the "Payment Method" selections. The only options that will appear here are the payment methods that you have already setup when configuring the store.
NOTE: You may also see payment methods for credit cards. This is not to be confused with the Process Payment with a credit card option. If you have a credit card terminal, or process your credit cards outside of AbleCommerce, you can still record the credit card payment to the order.

Enter a Reference Number. This could be a check number, purchase order number, or any cross-reference to the payment.
Edit the Amount if needed. The amount due is automatically shown.
There are only two statuses available when you choose a non-credit card payment to record. These are Unprocessed and Completed.
Unprocessed: Use this status when the payment has not yet been received. This will show a balance due for the order.
Completed: Use this status when the payment has been received and you want to apply it to the balance due.
If you have chosen to record a credit card payment, you will have the typical credit card statuses available. Depending on the status chosen, the payment will be recorded and balance adjusted if necessary.
If desired, enter a Status Note. This is used for internal use only.
Click the SAVE button to record the payment and return to the Payments page.

If the payment recorded is pending or the status shows UNPROCESSED, you can click the Mark as Received button when the payment is received. Recording a payment so the status indicates COMPLETED will show the correct balance due for the order.
NOTE: The transaction history will only be updated for credit card and gift certificate payments.
Change the Payment Status
REQUIREMENTS: This section applies to recorded offline payments.
From the Payments page, click the Edit Payment button available.
The next page will allow you change the payment status to one of the following:
Select one and click the SAVE button.
Delete a Payment
From the Payments page, click the Delete Payment button available.
A browser warning prompt will appear for confirmation. If you want to delete the payment, then click OK.