BluePay is a leading provider of technology-enabled payment processing for merchants and suppliers of any size in the United States and Canada. Through physical POS, online, and mobile interfaces, as well as CRM and ERP software integrations, BluePay processes business-to-consumer and business-to-business payments while providing real-time settlement, reporting, and reconciliation, along with robust security features such as point-to-point encryption. BluePay is headquartered in Naperville, Illinois, with offices in Chicago, Maryland, New York and Toronto.
BluePay Processing Features
AbleCommerce supports all the standard features of the BluePay payment gateway.
Authorize Capture (Sale)
Partial Refund
BluePay is a Canadian and American provider. Amounts will be in CAD or USD as configured within your merchant account.
NOTE: BluePay will not work under medium trust. You will need to use full trust for this gateway to function.
Post-order Processing
All AbleCommerce payment gateway integrations offer full support for post-order processing. This means that after an order is placed, you can authorize, capture, refund, and void transactions from the AbleCommerce order administration area.
Some post-order processing features, such as refunds, may require that you enable credit card storage from the Security > System Settings page.
Enable BluePay Payment Gateway
Before you begin, make sure that you have the following information which will be provided by BluePay:
If you have trouble finding this information, skip to the next section on this page for help.
From the Payment Gateways page, click the ADD GATEWAY button.
From the Add Gateway page, click the icon for BluePay.
You will now be on the configuration page for BluePay.

In the field named Merchant Login, enter the number known as the Account ID.
In the field named Merchant Password, enter your Secret Key.
Choose the type of Authorization Mode.
Authorize: to request authorization without capturing funds at the time of purchase. You can capture authorized transactions through the order admin interface.
Authorize & Capture: to capture funds immediately at the time of purchase. You should not use this feature unless you are able to ship goods the same day of the sale.
Choose the Gateway Mode.
Debug Mode is an optional feature and should only be enabled at the direction of AbleCommerce support for troubleshooting purposes.
- Log files are stored in the \app_data\logs\ folder and will be named to match the gateway.
The Test URL and Live URL fields are used to store the connection link to the gateway. This information is pre-populated when you configure the gateway and should not be changed unless directed by BluePay or AbleCommerce personnel.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the section called Payment Methods.
Click the box next to all credit card payment methods that will use the BluePay gateway.
At the bottom of the page, click the SAVE button.
Configuration Settings in your BluePay account
This section provides information on configuring your BluePay account to work with the AbleCommerce integrated gateway.
Go to BluePay's website and login to your merchant account.
From the left navigation bar, expand the ADMIN menu.
Then expand the Accounts menu. Now click on the List link.
Next you will see the "Account List" page as shown in the example below:

The Account ID is shown. This is the first piece of information you will need for AbleCommerce. It should be entered in the Merchant Login field of the AbleCommerce BluePay configuration page.
Click on the linked ACCOUNT NAME to view the "Account Admin" page. Find the "Website Integration" section as shown in the example below.

If this is a new account, then click the "Create New Key" button to generate your Secret Key. This should be entered in the Merchant Password field of the AbleCommerce BluePay configuration page.
If you ever create a new Secret Key, the old one will be disabled immediately.
Testing with BluePay
Setup a BluePay sandbox account through https://www.bluepay.com/developers/
Edit the BluePay gateway configuration page in AbleCommerce.
Change the Gateway Mode to Test Mode.
At the bottom of the page, click the SAVE button.
Using the credit card numbers listed below, you can test an approval or decline.
- If the dollars portion of the amount is odd, then an approval is returned.
- If the dollars portion of the amount is even, then a decline is returned.
Be sure to change the Gateway Mode to Live before processing real credit card transactions.
BluePay Test Credit Card numbers
Visa 4111111111111111
MasterCard 5500000000000004
American Express 378282246310005
Discover 6011111111111117
There may be additional features within your BluePay account that have not been tested with AbleCommerce. If you enable unsupported features, you are doing so at your own risk.