Apply special product pricing or volume discounts.
Assigning Discounts to Products
From the Product Editing page, click on the Discounts tab.

All previously created discounts for the store are shown. You can assign any number of discounts by checking the Attached box for each.
If more than one discount is assigned to the product, then the best price of all discounts will be taken.
Click the SAVE button after making a selection.
Discounts are automatically displayed on the product page. If the discount is applicable to a member group, the user must be logged in to view the discount.

New Discounts can be created through the Marketing > Discounts page, from the main menu.
Adding Product Pricing Rules
From the Product Editing page, click the Specials tab.

Click the ADD SPECIAL PRICE button.

In the first row, set the Special Price. As indicated, this must be less than the base price of the product.
Use the calendar picker to select the Start Date. At exactly the start of this day, the product will listed at the special price.
Select the End Date for the product special. This is displayed for the user on the retail pages.
If the special price will only be available to members of a group, then you may select the Group(s) now, otherwise, leave the default selection of All Groups to offer the product special to all users who visit the store.
Click the SAVE button when finished.

The price will automatically adjust when the special starts and ends.
