This document is a list of bug fixes and enhancements corrected between versions AbleCommerce Gold R5 and R6.
Released Version: AbleCommerce Gold R6 (Build 6169)
Release Date: 09/17/2013
Upgrading to AbleCommerce Gold R6 instructions
[AC8-1839] - Merchant admin should have the ability to enable/disable wishlist
[AC8-1884] - Implement product-level user permissions (product membership)
[AC8-1904] - Ability to force a login before viewing retail storefront (members only store)
[AC8-1996] - Export feature for reports
[AC8-2020] - Ability to search orders by product name or SKU
[AC8-2021] - USPS API update due July 28
[AC8-1732] - Products CSV import, allow processing of .txt files.
[AC8-1833] - Add functionality to allow customer notes for shipment
[AC8-1847] - Entering Google Category on edit product page should be improved
[AC8-1881] - add sort by manufacturer on category pages
[AC8-1889] - Improve installation and upgrade process of email templates
[AC8-1891] - Update product batch update feature for new fields added to products table.
[AC8-1897] - Add UI for ThumbnailUrl and IconUrl for variants
[AC8-1907] - Order manager batch operations inside SQL transaction for performance enhancement
[AC8-1910] - Monthly Sales Report should allow for a custom date range
[AC8-1941] - Incorporate AC7.7 themes to AC Gold (18 new)
[AC8-1942] - Mobile store : Add wishlist display page
[AC8-1943] - Ability to select more than one Country with a batch Delete option
[AC8-1948] - Ability to select more than one Province with a batch Delete option
[AC8-1953] - Product variant image URL's usage added for basket and checkout pages
[AC8-1956] - List all zip/csv files from upload folder for product, variants and UPSWS import
[AC8-1958] - Align and organize fields in the product editing page
[AC8-1959] - Export URL when exporting products
[AC8-1960] - Ability to search users by phone number
[AC8-1971] - Replace Popular Products report with the one from Dashboard
[AC8-1972] - Copy the Page Views Over Time report to the Customer Report menu
[AC8-1973] - Copy the Sales over Time report to Reports menu and rename
[AC8-1974] - Improve Coupon page with code search and batch delete
[AC8-1983] - Enhance tax report with region filters and detailed sales data
[AC8-1990] - Gift Certificate management page needs search improvements
[AC8-1993] - Improve admin product search on create order
[AC8-1998] - Make SQL the default search provider on new installs
[AC8-2007] - Include sample HTML sidebar control for Layouts
[AC8-2010] - Improve the layout editor display
[AC8-2026] - Add Title to ICatalogable interface
[AC8-2046] - Add BillToEmail and BillToPhone to Invoices
[AC8-2047] - Software Feed should display more than 1 item
[AC8-2063] - Simple category list should display a message when categories are not available
[AC8-2068] - Add Gold release to versioning
[AC8-2071] - Swatch images should also be loaded by GetImage.ashx to be properly re-sized
[AC8-2097] - No report should have a date defaulting to beginning of year
[AC8-995] - Hardcoded messages must be replaced with localized resource strings
[AC8-1894] - Two of the category display pages load very slow when large number of products
[AC8-1900] - Order Paid trigger doesn't work with partially paid orders
[AC8-1903] - Issues with the Product Review Reminder Upgrade
[AC8-1908] - Missing hover panel on Order Manager
[AC8-1913] - vertical align the email preferences field caption to top
[AC8-1914] - strange option dropdown on Admin/Products/GiftWrap/ViewProducts.aspx page
[AC8-1917] - Product manager search within a specific category is failing (Lucene Provider)
[AC8-1944] - Lucene search provider requires that the index be rebuilt after an upgrade
[AC8-1946] - Bug in OrderItem.cs when accessing OrderItem.ProductVariant after product with variants is deleted
[AC8-1949] - For order pages product variant name is not displaying when product is deleted
[AC8-1950] - Unable to checkout when main kit product is non-shippable and one of its component product is shippable
[AC8-1951] - Url Cache and Redirect Service cache are not thread safe
[AC8-1954] - when placing order from admin it removes the email address
[AC8-1957] - Invalid parent-child association when adding Kit is added to an order from admin side
[AC8-1963] - Category Sort doesn't save after moving a product in the list
[AC8-1965] - Delete group feature throws error if you try to move members in some other group.
[AC8-1966] - Subscription groups should not be allowed to be altered
[AC8-1968] - Feed Invalid
[AC8-1970] - Users assigned to Subscription groups only should also be added to _Default_ group automatically
[AC8-1975] - Invalid redirection on batch edit page
[AC8-1977] - could not execute native bulk manipulation query
[AC8-1979] - User belongs to subscription group should not be assigned/unassigned to group
[AC8-1981] - Adding Discount to existing order generates error when recalculating tax
[AC8-1982] - Kit option choices control: last option will be only one selected
[AC8-1984] - R5 source code build errors
[AC8-1985] - Reports showing data for orders that are unpaid
[AC8-1986] - Recalculate in WA Taxprovider is returning wrong value
[AC8-1987] - We are missing the trigger events parameter while doing checkout.
[AC8-1989] - Plan Summary page has incorrect information on subscription expirations
[AC8-1991] - Order status not updating when order is paid
[AC8-1992] - Site disclaimer page is not redirecting properly if no page is specified in return URL
[AC8-1994] - Renaming user control break edit-layout page
[AC8-1995] - Javascript Bug in Simple Search Conlib
[AC8-1997] - Exception in error log : Could not validate ac_ProductGroups table
[AC8-2000] - missing shipment for kit items under hidden component
[AC8-2003] - Product low inventory report is not working properly
[AC8-2004] - " Sales By Affiliate Details" report links from " Sales By Affiliate" report page is not working
[AC8-2005] - Gold R5 inventory destocking not working with paid trigger
[AC8-2006] - Payment status not correct for Phone Call payments after marked recieved
[AC8-2009] - Fixed Redirects are missing updates to LastVistedDate, VistCount
[AC8-2011] - Upgrade check to remove 'AdwordsPublish' field even if the new 'ExcludedDestination' field is found
[AC8-2012] - Search keyword is removed when the number of items to display is changed
[AC8-2013] - "Featured" sort option not working for category pages ( Lucene provider)
[AC8-2014] - The Upsell tab in product edit page is not highlighted when this tab is selected
[AC8-2015] - Product Reviews page crashes on invalid ProductId (Mobile Store)
[AC8-2016] - Records remain in the Ac_Kits table after removing all components and kitted items
[AC8-2018] - At category display pages sort order and page result options loose selection when pagination links are clicked
[AC8-2024] - New title field not used on mobile pages
[AC8-2025] - Non-shippable products not shown on CustomerOrderNotification email
[AC8-2027] - Edit User group screen can be tricked
[AC8-2028] - Duplicate URL error when editing catalog objects (product, webpage, category)
[AC8-2029] - R5 crashing during checkout
[AC8-2030] - Admin Search timing out Gold R5 SP1
[AC8-2033] - Upgrade files missing from install folder
[AC8-2035] - javascript error when saving a layout
[AC8-2036] - Document that the encrypt and decrypt process requires full trust
[AC8-2037] - Product Reviews do not save if title > 100 characters
[AC8-2040] - Misspelling on order summary page
[AC8-2041] - Unable to save email template selections for any order status
[AC8-2042] - UPS Worldship export doesn't work with date filter
[AC8-2043] - PayMyOrder page 'credit card number is required'
[AC8-2044] - CategoryDetails page sort by name throws exception
[AC8-2045] - GetImage.ashx creates error log entries
[AC8-2048] - Error triggering review alerts error in error log
[AC8-2050] - Attempt to divide by zero exception in error log
[AC8-2051] - Deactivate subscription doesn't work
[AC8-2052] - Regular Expressions are not working for Zones
[AC8-2056] - Confirmation dialog missing when saving new product page definitions
[AC8-2057] - Search is not returning all results
[AC8-2058] - R5 View Order page never shows tax line items
[AC8-2060] - Provinces sort by ID instead of alphabetically
[AC8-2061] - Sales by Product report crashes with large number of results
[AC8-2066] - Quantity adjustments do not work when placing an order from admin
[AC8-2067] - Option to adjust quantity needs to be removed when item is out of stock
[AC8-2070] - Related products control does not respect the member product feature
[AC8-2072] - odd text wrapping when adding inventoried item to order in admin
[AC8-2073] - Variant price is lost after a product is copied
[AC8-2074] - Product Accessories page does not respect the member product feature
[AC8-2075] - Store display is messed up in IE - For almost all themes
[AC8-2076] - Adding new user with "_Default_" group option throws exception
[AC8-2077] - Some category display pages crashing with SQL error when sort by manufacturer option is used
[AC8-2081] - Export URL when exporting products
[AC8-2085] - New Popular Products report seems to show Views data in random order
[AC8-2090] - PageViewRepository.GetViews returns CatalogNodeId instead of view count
[AC8-2091] - Gift certificates: "Generate" & "Deactivate" command buttons don't work on any page other then the first one.
[AC8-2092] - Mobile store "Featured" sort option is not consistent with standard store
[AC8-2093] - Plan Summary page has incorrect information on inactive subscription
[AC8-2095] - Accessing PNG images via GetImage handler throws exception
[AC8-2099] - Copying a product do not preserve the group restriction and associated groups
[AC8-2101] - show option image if product image is clicked (in case of swatches)
[AC8-2102] - Cost of Goods data not recorded when a product is added to existing order
[AC8-2112] - Group restricted products can be accessed/bought from view wishlist page.
[AC8-2113] - Amazon checkout not using correct tax nexus
[AC8-2114] - Duplicate order results when using search header
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