This document is a list of bug fixes and enhancements corrected between versions AbleCommerce Gold R4 and R5.
Released Version: AbleCommerce Gold R5 (Build 5731)
Release Date: 05/28/2013
Upgrading to AbleCommerce Gold R5 instructions
[AC8-712] - Incorporate product variants into Google Feed
[AC8-1432] - Add Cost of Good reporting
[AC8-1665] - Product variants CSV Export and Import feature
[AC8-1712] - Allow merchant to configure title for catalog objects
[AC8-1714] - Restore the HTML Head field for catalog objects
[AC8-1715] - Split meta keywords and search keywords fields for products
[AC8-1717] - Incorporate rich snippets (microdata) in AC Gold
[AC8-1773] - Include WorldShip services in Data Exchange
[AC8-1791] - Auto remind customers to review product
[AC8-1792] - Default Product Option Assignment
[AC8-1810] - Add ability to pass parameters to conlib controls while editing layouts
[AC8-1821] - Add UPC/GTIN field for Product Variants
[AC8-1555] - Items linked in basket should take you to the same product configuration (mobile store)
[AC8-1559] - Add a $merchant keyword for email templates and use it as the default from address
[AC8-1647] - Ability to sort up or down by 5 positions, instead of 1 at a time.
[AC8-1704] - Google feed update required by Spring 2013
[AC8-1706] - User search should be part of search provider interface
[AC8-1716] - Add a Loadforcategory method for webpage objects
[AC8-1738] - Orders XML export downloads/exports credit card data
[AC8-1761] - At install time check write access in App_Data/DataExchange and DBBackup folders
[AC8-1786] - Add the Select All checkout to the Browse Catalog page
[AC8-1787] - Service methods should be virtual to allow easy extend ability
[AC8-1790] - Improve store events so they can be implemented via service
[AC8-1814] - Authorize.Net: Add fields for Test and Live URL
[AC8-1818] - Update export pages to log and display warning messages
[AC8-1819] - Custom layouts need to be listed at add/edit category and product pages
[AC8-1825] - Edit product page needs a delete button.
[AC8-1830] - Update last activity date once in a minute instead of each request
[AC8-1831] - Fix large number of SQL hits against custom URLs
[AC8-1835] - Add EnablePaging setting for ObjectDataSource on admin pages
[AC8-1838] - Email templates should render kits in the same way as we do in store
[AC8-1841] - Store settings and store data need to be cached
[AC8-1845] - Add/Edit product layout needs fixed dropdown sizes
[AC8-1854] - Update Layout Add/Edit pages to allow adding multiple controls
[AC8-1860] - Product main image should be clickable
[AC8-1865] - More Category Items control needs improvements
[AC8-1650] - FTS search results are not sorted by relevance
[AC8-1718] - Missing the referring URL on Order Summary page
[AC8-1719] - Custom controls in a sub-folder are not recognized in the Controls list
[AC8-1750] - MaxItems property does not function in Related Products control
[AC8-1762] - Edit link page format needs fixed
[AC8-1763] - Missing finish button on Edit Discount Scope page
[AC8-1766] - Extra tag in ProductTellaFriend.aspx
[AC8-1772] - Fix alignment of backorder text on product edit page
[AC8-1776] - Order status sort not working on order manager search page
[AC8-1778] - Import error while importing data by uploading a .csv file larger then a certain limit
[AC8-1779] - R3 to R4 Category Move issue
[AC8-1782] - Store name needs to be what the user enters, not Default.
[AC8-1784] - Sample data should exclude the email templates
[AC8-1789] - RegisterDialog different image button
[AC8-1795] - Layout changes in admin wiping out custom code in files
[AC8-1796] - Removing the CommerceBuilder.lic file needs to trigger update license page
[AC8-1799] - Admin/Catalog/EditCategory.aspx missing save notification
[AC8-1801] - DB Maintenance error with Custom URLs
[AC8-1803] - Email list updated message is not following proper styles
[AC8-1804] - Computer theme has a wide screen forcing horizontal scrollbar in FF
[AC8-1805] - Emails don't work when no default email address is provided
[AC8-1806] - HTML Source Editor issue when putting HTML directly into editor
[AC8-1811] - Notification message missing for edit choices page
[AC8-1817] - FTS: Manage Products page displays duplicate products when assigned to multiple categories
[AC8-1822] - Payment methods listing a checkout/payment page not sorted as specified in admin
[AC8-1823] - System.NotImplementedException on Product.DeepCopy method
[AC8-1824] - Data Exchange results display duplicate products when assigned to multiple categories
[AC8-1826] - OrderShipment From and To address doesn't care about Country placeholder
[AC8-1827] - Product searches at admin giving error when you have large number of products in catalog
[AC8-1829] - Payment total reflects any shipping charges previously selected
[AC8-1832] - SEO Redirect Cache Size setting has no effect
[AC8-1837] - TO field of email template gets overwritten with first customer's email
[AC8-1840] - Category details page crashes for more than 2100 products
[AC8-1842] - Edit Vendor page search products doesn't work
[AC8-1843] - View Products page for digital goods only lists products without manufacturers
[AC8-1846] - ConLib/Accounts/OrderShipments uses mobile user control
[AC8-1855] - Product image feature breaks if we use an absolute image URL
[AC8-1861] - Some ConLib controls do not follow correct naming conventions
[AC8-1871] - Assigning a product template needs to save
[AC8-1875] - Slow performance during large batch updates of Orders
[AC8-1877] - Fix sort by manufacturer for standard SQL search provider
[AC8-1879] - Edit discount page: message not correctly formatted on postback
[AC8-1901] - Store URL setting value not updated during upgrade from AC7
[AC8-1902] - Order coupon not getting applied to a selected product
[AC8-1905] - Process payment option is not working at order manager page when gateway is not associated
[AC8-1922] - URL-encoded form data is not valid error when saving large data sets from a grid
[AC8-1938] - Null reference exception on multi ship addresses and payment page
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