Upgrade to AbleCommerce Gold R4

Released Version: AbleCommerce Gold, Release 4, Build 5410

Release Date: 02/25/2013

Change Log

Applies To:  This upgrade can be applied to AbleCommerce Gold R3 (build 5078).  If you are using AbleCommerce Gold R2 or lower, then you must first upgrade to Gold R3.

If you are upgrading from AbleCommerce 7, please go here for instructions, but you can still install the latest version of AbleCommerce Gold.

Hot Patches:  This version has hot patches available.

1)  Download Upgrade to temporary location

This upgrade is available to active subscription holders.  To obtain the file, login to the ablecommerce.com website and go to the customer account area.  From the Downloads tab, in the top section, you can see all files that are available to you by subscription.  Be sure to download the files here and keep an original for backup.

  1. Determine the type of version you are using, WAP or WSP, and download the applicable file.

  2. Extract the contents.  Only changed files are included in the upgrade set.

  3. Compare the new upgrade files with your existing ones, and merge any custom changes.

2)  Confirm License

Do not install the upgrade unless your license subscription is valid through the "release date" of the build you are installing, or you have a license key for the latest version.

There are two ways to see if you have a valid subscription for this upgrade:

Login to your AbleCommerce Merchant Menu and go to the Configure > Security > Licensing page.
The "License Details" section will indicate whether a subscription is included with your license, and the subscription's expiration date will be shown.

- OR -

Open the "commercebuilder.lic" file located in the \app_data\ folder with a txt program such as notepad. 

e.g. <subscription>02-25-13</subscription>

If your license purchase included a subscription, a line similar to the one above will be shown in your key file.  
Make sure the date is on, or after, February 25th, 2013, which is the release date for AbleCommerce Gold R4.

NOTE:  A store in DEMO MODE is not valid for the upgrade.  Make sure you have a license key installed before continuing.  The key type can be Development or Live, but not DEMO.  

3)  Backup your Existing Production Files

Always make a backup copy of the entire AbleCommerce folder and the database before beginning any upgrade..


4)  Installation of New Files to Production Server

For WSP versions:

  1. Stop the IIS web service, or application pool, to release a lock on the DLL files in the \bin\ folder.

    FAQ: How do I stop a website to upgrade?

  2. Copy all files, from step 1c) above, to the corresponding folders on the production server.

  3. Restart the IIS web service application.

For WAP versions:

  1. Recompile the application.

  2. Republish to the target server.


5)  Database Upgrade

When you login to the merchant administration for the first time, the database will be upgraded automatically.

For this release, there are two database changes -

1. Availability Date field is added to the Products table.
2. Unique constraint is enforced on order numbers.


6) Post-Upgrade Instructions

There are no post-upgrade instructions unless you have customized your web.config file.  This file is included as part of the upgrade so it's unnecessary to make the following changes unless you do not want to overwrite your own web.config file.

The following two sections of the main web.config are required to be changed for current and future Web API related features.  The Web API implementation in AbleCommerce Gold R4 makes use of ASP.NET MVC. There is a concept in ASP.NET MVC which lets you partition web applications into smaller units referred to as Areas. The new /Areas/ folder and the following changes are required for this to work.

Complete steps A) and B) below.

A) Update the <modules> node under <system.webServer> section as shown below.  Set runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests attribute to "true" for <modules> node, and add a new module with name "AbleCommerceWebApi".

Old web.config code -

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false">
      <add name="AbleCommerceHttpModule" type="CommerceBuilder.Services.HttpModule, CommerceBuilder.Licensing" preCondition="managedHandler"/>

New web.config code -

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
      <add name="AbleCommerceWebApi" type="CommerceBuilder.WebApi.WebApiModule, CommerceBuilder.WebApi" preCondition="managedHandler"/>
      <add name="AbleCommerceHttpModule" type="CommerceBuilder.Services.HttpModule, CommerceBuilder.Licensing" preCondition="managedHandler"/>

B) Updated <runtime> section by adding a <dependentAssembly>.

Old web.config code -

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="NHibernate" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="aa95f207798dfdb4" />
        <bindingRedirect newVersion="" oldVersion="" />

New web.config code -

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="NHibernate" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="aa95f207798dfdb4" />
        <bindingRedirect newVersion="" oldVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />



If you need to merge any customizations, we recommend that you use a file compare and merge utility such as WinMerge.  WinMerge is Open Source file compare and merge utility which runs on all modern Windows versions.  Latest WinMerge version and other WinMerge information is available at http://winmerge.org


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