AbleCommerce Gold Change Log

This document is a list of bug fixes and enhancements corrected between versions AbleCommerce Gold R1 and R2.  

Released Version: AbleCommerce Gold R2 (Build 4487)

Release Date: 09/21/2012

Upgrading from R1 to R2 instructions

New Features and Improvements

    * [AC8-1171] - Implement store templates for mobile commerce

    * [AC8-1183] - Implement store search for mobile store

    * [AC8-1184] - We need to list featured product(s) on mobile home

    * [AC8-1185] - Category listing page improvements

    * [AC8-1186] - basket page improvements for mobile store

    * [AC8-1187] - Implement checkout for mobile store

    * [AC8-1188] - Account pages for mobile store

    * [AC8-1217] - Implement login and registeration pages for mobile store

    * [AC8-1218] - Improvements to store search header on mobile store

    * [AC8-1221] - Category tree on mobile store should be improved

    * [AC8-1227] - Get the themes feature updated to handle mobile site

    * [AC8-1229] - Update ClientIdMode to static for mobile pages

    * [AC8-1230] - Eliminate empty image tag for category items listed on a category page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1251] - Need ability to select different headers and footers for a layout

    * [AC8-1271] - Notes added to the order need to reflect the user performing the action

    * [AC8-1275] - Increase size of tooltip descriptions

    * [AC8-1276] - include normalize.css in mobile rendering

    * [AC8-1287] - increase link list height 

    * [AC8-1233] - Make product finder as the search page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1238] - Fix minor display issues in mobile store

    * [AC8-1240] - Implement category listing page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1277] - Move mobile redirection code to HttpModule

    * [AC8-1322] - merge mobile back into trunk  

Issues Fixed

    * [AC8-1189] - Mobile device detection

    * [AC8-1219] - Full Store View link in the mobile store footer is taking you to a 404 page

    * [AC8-1220] - Featured products on mobile store home should be center justified

    * [AC8-1222] - standardize input form HTML for mobile store

    * [AC8-1225] - mobile site needs to work without a fixed store default theme

    * [AC8-1226] - Orders page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1235] - product page for mobile store is using conlib controls instead of using user controls inside mobile directory

    * [AC8-1236] - create mobile specific product image control

    * [AC8-1237] - add to cart on feature products not working when used from mobile

    * [AC8-1242] - Pages in /Mobile/Members named mXXX should remove the m prefix

    * [AC8-1244] - WA DOR tax provider should implement some retry logic

    * [AC8-1246] - Adding a Group no longer works

    * [AC8-1247] - Misc issues with mobile store

    * [AC8-1250] - Accessing any product with options throws exception in mobile store

    * [AC8-1252] - We should use the icon image when listing proudts and categories

    * [AC8-1253] - Review and test mobile store for functionality and UI

    * [AC8-1254] - Re-order button from reciept page takes back to main website.

    * [AC8-1255] - Improve payments page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1256] - Access to mobile checkout pages should be restricted

    * [AC8-1257] - Trying to access any restricted page in mobile store sends to mobile home

    * [AC8-1258] - Payment page throws exception when we there is a digital good in order

    * [AC8-1259] - Link to View My Giftcertificate at MyOrder.aspx page redirects to main website

    * [AC8-1260] - Standardize paging links for mobile store

    * [AC8-1261] - Eliminate Captcha from Login.aspx page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1262] - Product summary and product description(s) page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1263] - Product reviews on product page and a page for detailed reviews on mobile store

    * [AC8-1264] - Implement a better navigation control for mobile store and replace breadcrumbs

    * [AC8-1265] - Checkout header for mobile store should be done similar to the Nav bar that replaced breadcrumbs

    * [AC8-1266] - Inventory report does not work with product variants

    * [AC8-1267] - Unable to delete a group that is assigned to a shipping method

    * [AC8-1268] - Broken image for digital good on the order summary page

    * [AC8-1269] - Recalculate Tax button on the Order Items page is broken

    * [AC8-1270] - Broken images for credit cards on admin's place order pg

    * [AC8-1272] - Coupon code needs to be unique

    * [AC8-1278] - Eliminate all layouts for mobile and keep just one starndard layout

    * [AC8-1279] - Checkout default page throwing compilation exception

    * [AC8-1282] - Exception on checkout with login

    * [AC8-1283] - Error adding an item to cart occured once and not reproduced again

    * [AC8-1284] - Hover panel does not work in mobile store. Find an alternate solution

    * [AC8-1286] - Categories list uses inconsistent linking methods

    * [AC8-1288] - Mobile cart does not show tax amount

    * [AC8-1289] - header on mobile billing screen is a bullet list

    * [AC8-1290] - shipping address list needs a little more definition between addresses

    * [AC8-1291] - UI improvements needed to mobile shipping method screen

    * [AC8-1292] - shipment information on mobile view order page has incorrect style

    * [AC8-1293] - login link seems out of place

    * [AC8-1294] - validation text is very small

    * [AC8-1295] - Error with Kitted item after upgrading

    * [AC8-1296] - mobile search with no results throws exception

    * [AC8-1297] - Editing an address results in exception

    * [AC8-1298] - product details section shows without any content

    * [AC8-1299] - change "Product Main" in nav bar to "Product Summary"

    * [AC8-1300] - eliminate cancel button on mobile product review page

    * [AC8-1301] - home and cart link in mobile navbar

    * [AC8-1302] - delete search link in mobile store footer

    * [AC8-1303] - Make View order page similar to receipt page

    * [AC8-1306] - The receipt page for mobile store needs to be updated

    * [AC8-1307] - Test the checkout in mobile store for areas not commonly tested

    * [AC8-1308] - Adding 'Digital Goods with Options' to basket redirects to main store

    * [AC8-1309] - We need to port license agreement and view readme page over to mobile store

    * [AC8-1310] - Digital good download not working in mobile store

    * [AC8-1311] - Borken download, view readme and license agreement links

    * [AC8-1312] - checkout receipt page needs to have better formatting

    * [AC8-1313] - payment page on mobile store should check validation when card type is not selected

    * [AC8-1314] - Items in cart count is not valid - mobile store payment page

    * [AC8-1315] - My account page display or 'My Orders' needs to be improved

    * [AC8-1316] - item list on select shipping method hides on error

    * [AC8-1318] - do not show discounts on payment page if the value is 0

    * [AC8-1320] - HTML Cleanup for mobile store

    * [AC8-1321] - Receipt and view order pages have different caption style

    * [AC8-1324] - Reorder.ashx has two implementations - one in standard and one in moible - combine to one

    * [AC8-1325] - Custom URLs do not work in mobile store

    * [AC8-1326] - page not found error when site disclaimer feature is enabled for mobile store

    * [AC8-1327] - page not found error when the store is closed for maintenance

    * [AC8-1328] - When you access a webpage on stadard store using mobile you get a 404 error

    * [AC8-1329] - Link.aspx should be copied to mobile store

    * [AC8-1330] - PasswordHelp.aspx page needs to be added to mobile store as well

    * [AC8-1332] - Implement Members/PayMyOrder page for mobile store

    * [AC8-1333] - Redirect to basket.aspx page if the user ends of on any page in checkout and the basket is empty

    * [AC8-1334] - Product tabbed view does not display description if javascript is not available

    * [AC8-1335] - Improve error pages for mobile store

    * [AC8-1338] - the innerSection class is not used anywhere in mobile store - it should be removed form all controls in mobile store

    * [AC8-1341] - mobile logo image is missing from computer, pets and auto themes

    * [AC8-1343] - store header can throw null exception

    * [AC8-1347] - null exception recording page view

    * [AC8-1348] - product finder does not validate requested page number

    * [AC8-1351] - Popular Products control has a bad query

    * [AC8-1355] - intermittent issues with add to basket from featured products grid due to output caching

    * [AC8-1356] - Move Mobile Store page to an appropriate place in the Config menu

    * [AC8-1357] - Number of results are including private and hidden items

    * [AC8-1358] - link to full store is not visible when browsing from mobile

    * [AC8-1359] - Number of results are including other object types

    * [AC8-1363] - Mobile store, submitted payment was re-directed to basket page (empty) instead of receipt page.

    * [AC8-1369] - Server error page when checking out and entering password that doesn't meet password criteria

    * [AC8-1373] - Product Description using Summary on Mobile site

    * [AC8-1376] - error in shipping method page

    * [AC8-1378] - merchant and customer password policies appear confused

    * [AC8-1383] - mobile pages need to inherit from AbleCommercePage



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