Google Analytics tracking with Paypal

Applies to: AbleCommerce 7.0.7

Date:  12/30/2011

Note:  For installations using the Paypal Instant Notification service with Google Analytics tracking.



Description of Issue:

If you are using Google Analytics tracking, with Auto-Return Enabled and version 7.0.7, regular PayPal sales are not recorded.  This is the Paypal Instant Notification Payment service only.  For credit card transactions through Paypal, using Website Pro and/or Express, the issue does not exist.



To correct the issue for version 7.0.7, you will need to modify the control [Conlib:GoogleAnalyticsWidget], located in the \ConLib\ folder.
If you have customized this file, it should reside in the \ConLib\Custom\ folder.

Download -


Auto-Return Feature:

We looked closely at the changes made between versions 7.0.6 and 7.0.7, and found that the change in behavior would be caused by issue ID AC7-2, where the AutoClick feature for Paypal was enabled by default. If you are using the legacy Paypal with Google Analytics, a simple work-around would be to change the AutoClick property back to false.  This is also the recommended solution for previous versions of AbleCommerce that may be experiencing the issue.

The AutoClick property of the Paypal control is shown below:

Usage: [[ConLib:Utility\PayPalPayNowButton AutoClick="false"]]

Property:  AutoClick


Possible values are true or false. Indicates whether the customer should be automatically redirected to the PayPal site after placing an order. If set to false, the user must manually click the PayPal button to continue placing the order.



Download and extract the file GoogleAnalyticsWidget.ascx.cs

Replace the original one in your ..\ConLib\ folder.  

If you have customized this file, make a backup before merging the two files.

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