Upgrade from AbleCommerce 7.0.1 to 7.0.2

Version: AbleCommerce 7.0.2 Build 11659

Release Date: 2/10/09

Change Log : A list of changes between build AbleCommerce 7.0.1 build 10875 and 7.0.2 build 11659.


Overview of Upgrade

Take a moment to read this entire document before beginning.  After you upgrade, you may need to complete the Post-Upgrade steps below.


These instructions apply to installations running AbleCommerce 7.0.1.  If you are running a version prior to 7.0.1, then please use the Instructions for Multiple Step Upgrades instead.


1)  Download Upgrade

To download the upgrade for AbleCommerce 7.0.2, you will need to have an active subscription.  We will notify all subscription holders when a new version is available for download.  To obtain the file, login to the ablecommerce.com website and go to the Customer Account pages.  From there, click on the Downloads tab to see available software downloads.  License keys are requested through your order.


2)  Backup your Existing Files

  • Make a backup copy of the entire AbleCommerce install folder and the database.

  • Any customizations that you may have made should be located in the following folders of your <installpath>:

    • \ConLib\Custom\..

    • \App_Data\Scriptlets\Custom\..

    • \App_Themes\..(current store theme)..\*.css, *.skin

The upgrade will NOT overwrite customizations located within these specific folders.


3)  Installation of New Files

  1. Double-click the .exe file to extract the contents to a temporary location.

  2. Select all the new files, copy, and overwrite your existing files in the <installpath> program folder.

It may be necessary to temporarily stop the web service if the copy process fails.


4)  Upgrade your Database

WARNING: Make sure you have a backup of your database before upgrading !!!!

  1. Browse to the <installpath>/install/upgrade.aspx page to run the database script.

    e.g. http://localhost/ac7/install/upgrade.aspx

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade:

    • Type BACKUP in the space provided to confirm you understand.

    • Choose Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (includes Express version) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

    • Initiate the upgrade.  When finished, you should receive confirmation.  
      You may also receive some information on changes made during the upgrade.

  3. If you get an error during upgrade - STOP!  Copy the error for AbleCommerce support, and revert to your backups.


5)  Replace any Customizations (if applicable)

  • AbleCommerce will not replace any files located in the \Custom\ folders, however, you may need to restore customizations made to files (.css\.skin) within the \App_Themes\ folder.

    • \ConLib\Custom\..

    • \App_Data\Scriptlets\Custom\..

    • \App_Themes\..(current store theme)..\*.css, *.skin


6)  Complete Post-Upgrade Tasks

  1. Complete the steps, as needed, in the Post Upgrade Tasks section immediately following.


Post Upgrade Tasks

Not all steps may be necessary.  Please take a moment to review the steps below.


STEP 1)  - Cybersource SOAP Toolkit API

If you are using the Cybersource payment gateway, you will need to create a transaction key for the SOAP Toolkit API.  This is a very simple process which is documented on the CyberSource payment gateway configuration page.  Immediately after upgrading, you should install a new transaction key to avoid any disruptions while taking credit card payments. 


STEP 2)  - Email Template Enhancements

Update your email templates to include some new enhancements.  If you do not wish to include the new changes, you can skip this step. Please review this page for instructions on updating your email templates:  Email Templates for AbleCommerce 7.0.2


STEP 3) - CSS change for Product Reviews


This will correct a display issue for product reviews.  

Open the style.css file located in the \App_Themes\ folder for the theme you are using.  Append the following code to the bottom of the file:


/* used to display reviews message  */
font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
white-space: pre-wrap;       /* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap;      /* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    /* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word;       /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
.nodeSummaryLink{text-decoration: underline; text-indent: 0px; color:#5872CB; margin:4px 0 8px 0; padding:4px 0 8px 0; cursor:pointer;}


STEP 4) - Category and Search page error with SQL 2000 database

When using 'Category Grid' or 'Category Grid with Add to Basket' content scriptlets with a category page, advanced search, or product finder, and you have an SQL 2000 database, you will see this error after upgrading to version 7.0.2

[[ConLib:SearchPage]] The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.

TO FIX: download patch which includes a new CommerceBuilder.DLL version 7.2.11679.0.  Copy this over the existing one located in the \BIN\ folder.  It may be necessary to temporarily stop the web service.


STEP 5) - Custom Classes

If developers have created third-party libraries based on the CommerceBuilder core and they make a reference to the database directly, they will likely need to update code.  Otherwise, they may get runtime errors like this:  

Error 2 Cannot implicitly convert type 'CommerceBuilder.Data.Database' to 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database'

Within third party code, any code references to:


Should be replaced with:


If plugins must refer to the database component, they will have to provide separate versions for 7.0.0/7.0.1 and 7.0.2.  This change was necessary to support transactions.


STEP 6) - Custom templates (.aspx)

If you have made copies of the .aspx templates for the purpose of customization, you may get errors after upgrading.

Replace following code:


With the updated code:



Apply Latest Updates

After installation, make sure to check for free Service Release upgrades, or Hot Patches as posted in the Announcements section on the home page of this website.


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