Batching Orders
The Order Manager page will not only give you the ability to search for orders but you can also update multiple orders at once. The batch feature includes capabilities such as processing credit card authorizations for multiple orders, entering multiple shipment tracking numbers, and batch printing invoices and packing slips.
Batch Update Orders
Before you can update multiple orders, you need to make your order selections.
From the Order Manager page, use search criteria to display the orders you want to update.
After the orders appear in your results, select them by ticking the checkbox next to each.
You can also tick the checkbox shown in the table heading, to select all of your results and exclude as needed.
In the example below, we have selected all orders with status 'Payment Pending'

Now find the batch update selections as shown. Click on the down-arrow to choose one of the batch options available.

Choose a batch option from the list and click the UPDATE button. The selected orders will be changed or there will be a following page that you can print or take further action. This depends on which batch option was chosen.
Batching Orders
A batch option is some action you can take with multiple orders at once. The batch options available are described here.
Batch Option
Process Payment
If you have setup a real-time payment gateway, and are authorizing transactions, this batch function will automatically capture the pending authorized payments.
Mark Shipped
Selected orders will be marked as shipped. As such, the shipment status will be updated.
Mark Shipped with Options
Selected orders will appear on the next page so you can enter a tracking number or different ship date. The shipments for each order will be shown and modified separately.
Selected orders will be canceled. On the next page, you will need to enter a comment or reason to cancel an order.
Print Invoices
Next page displays all selected orders on a page using a printable stylesheet*. Each Invoice shows order information with pricing.
Print Packing Slips
Next page displays all selected orders on a page using a printable stylesheet*. Each Packing List shows Quantity, SKU, and Order Items.
Print Pull Sheet
Next page combines the selected orders to generate a single printable Pull Sheet. The pull sheet shows all items from all orders with quantity, SKU, and an area to check when pulled.
Update status to <status name>
Selected orders will have their order status updated to the option shown. Order statuses can be customized.
* A document using a printable style sheet will print with appropriate styles and page breaks. You must be using a modern browser (such as IE7, FF2, or Opera 7) to use this feature. Website headers, footers, and this message will not be printed.