Google Universal Analytics

Google Analytics is one of many business solutions available from Google. Google Analytics allows you to analyze your website traffic using easy to understand reports. Google wants you to attract more of the traffic you are looking for, and help you turn more visitors into customers, so they offer this service for free to all advertisers, publishers, and site owners.
Use Google Analytics to learn which online marketing initiatives are cost effective and see how visitors actually interact with your site. Make informed site design improvements, drive targeted traffic, and increase your conversions and profits.
Sign up now , it's easy -- and free!
Google Analytics was upgraded to the new Google Universal Analytics in Gold R9 - See Upgrade Instructions below.
Configure Google Analytics
You need to have an existing Google Urchin ID. AbleCommerce provides the tracking code.
Go to Configure > Store > Page Tracking using the top menu.
In the bottom section, you will see the Google Analytics options.

Enter your Google Web Property ID. (e.g. UA-123456-1)
If you do not know how to get this ID, then skip to the next section.
Check the box next to Enable Page Tracking. This option will collect data about user's and where they've been.
Check the box next to Enable E-Commerce Tracking. This option will track additional sales data that can be used by Google Analytics or Google Adwords. These Google tools allow you to setup Online Campaigns to track advertising dollars spent, costs per clicks, and conversion rates.
Click the SAVE button, or SAVE AND CLOSE button when finished.
Finding your Google Urchin ID
You will need to access your tracking code to find your Google Urchin ID.
Sign in to Google Analytics.
From the Analytics Settings page, find the profile for which you would like to retrieve the tracking code. Please note that tracking code is profile specific.
From that profile's Settings column, click the Edit link.
In the top-right corner of the Main Website Profile Information section, click the (Check Status) link.
Locate your Urchin ID within the Tracking Code. It is not necessary to copy the code as instructed by Google. AbleCommerce includes a special footer that will automatically use your tracking code in all your store pages.

Your Google Urchin ID can be copied from here, to the AbleCommerce Google Analytics configuration page. (e.g. UA-123456-1)
The following steps are required in order to use the Universal Google Analytic control.
1) Edit Website/ConLib/StoreFooter.ascx
2) Locate following code:
<%@ Register src="~/ConLib/GoogleAnalyticsWidget.ascx" tagname="GoogleAnalyticsWidget" tagprefix="uc" %>
3) Replace it with this new code:
<%@ Register src="~/ConLib/UniversalGoogleAnalyticsWidget.ascx" tagname="UniversalGoogleAnalyticsWidget" tagprefix="uc" %>
4) Locate following code:
<uc:GoogleAnalyticsWidget ID="GoogleAnalyticsWidget1" runat="server" />
5) Replace it with this new code:
<uc:UniversalGoogleAnalyticsWidget ID="UniversalGoogleAnalyticsWidget1" runat="server" />
6) Save the changes and you are done.