Email Templates
The email system in AbleCommerce is comprised of two types:
Email that is sent when events take place. (These email use triggers)
Email that is sent by features within the program. (e.g. digital delivery, gift certificates, product review, etc)
There are no real differences between the two types of email and they can be managed from one location. Simply, one email type uses triggers, and the others are selections for other features, so they won't use the trigger option. AbleCommerce makes it easy for you by providing 26 pre-configured email templates. All you need to do is change the email addressing and modify the content, if you want.
The Email Templates page displays all of the email available to AbleCommerce. From here, you can manage, edit, copy, and create new templates.

In the first column, is the Name of the template. This is only displayed to the merchant. If the email uses Triggers, they will be shown in the next column. The Format column will show "HTML" if the email is being sent as html code, or TEXT for non-html text only.
Edit your Email Templates
Change the addressing information so that any email is sent from your company.
Go to Configure > Email > Templates using the top menu. You will be viewing the Message Content tab.
Click the EDIT icon for the 'Customer Order Notification' email template.

In the top part is the email addressing information as shown in the above example.
At a minimum, enter a new From Address. This is what the recipient will see in their email from your store, as well as who they may reply to.
If you are not receiving your store's email, then make sure you have a valid From Address. You need to update this for ALL of your email templates.
The Template Name field is for merchant admin display purposes only. Change the template name if needed.
In the To Address(es) field, enter the recipient(s) for the email message. You can enter multiple email addresses or keywords separated by a comma.
Use the keyword customer to send this email to any customer.
Use the keyword vendor to send this email to any vendor who's products were purchased in the order.
Use the keyword merchant to send an email to the default address designated for the store.
In the CC Address(es) field, enter any additional recipient(s) for the email message. Addresses are visible to all recipients.
In the BCC Address(es) field, enter any additional recipient(s) for the email message. Addresses are not visible to any recipients.
If you want to receive a copy of all order notifications, then add your email address to the BCC Address field.
Click the SAVE button before continuing.
In the bottom section of the page, you may change the email Message and Subject line.

Change or enter the subject and message body. Both subject and body use the NVelocity template engine, providing scripting capability and dynamic variable support. For details and examples on how to leverage the NVelocity engine, see http://{your domain or IP}/Admin/Store/EmailTemplates/help.aspx
The Message Format needs to match the contents of your message. Choose either HTML or TEXT.
Click the SAVE button when finished.
Adding Event Triggers to your Emails
From the Edit Email Template page, click the tab named Event Triggers.
You can select any number of Triggers by checking the box next to each. However, you should have an understanding of these events and how, or when, they occur before changing the default settings.

If a trigger is selected, this email will be sent automatically when the event occurs. Not all email templates need to have a trigger.
When finished, click SAVE AND CLOSE to return to the Email Templates page.
Add, Edit, Copy or Delete Email Templates
Go to the Email Templates page.

In the far right column, you will find the action icons to perform the following tasks:
Copy - Make a duplicate of the selected email template.
Edit - Change the contents or settings for the selected email template.
Delete - Remove the selected email template.
Add - Click the ADD EMAIL TEMPLATE button.
Email Template Samples
AbleCommerce comes pre-installed with 15 email templates that require little modification. Most of the templates are in html with css included so you can easily customize the colors, fonts, and layout.
AbleCommerce provides a sample of every email that you should ever need. If you do not have any email templates, you can install a new copy of AbleCommerce (30 day trial) and copy the information over. If you know can get the information from the database create scripts in the \install\ folder.
Before you take your store live, you should review the content of each email and make sure the addressing is correct.
Email Templates
These are the default templates when you install AbleCommerce. Remember, you can change when the email is sent by modifying the triggers.
Automatic Event or Use
Abandoned Basket Alert
The Abandoned Basket Alert notification is an email that can be used to manually send an alert to users that have created a basket but never checked out. To use this feature, go to Reports > Customers > Abandoned Baskets. If there are any abandoned baskets, they will be listed with the date, total amount, and a DETAILS button. Click the DETAILS button to view the basket contents. Keep in mind that there are Anonymous users who have no registered contact information or email, so even though they are shown for reporting purposes, you will not be able to send them an email notification.

Use the SEND ALERT button to send an email to the registered user. It will show them the contents of their basket in the email. You can modify the email as needed before sending.
Affiliate Registration
If you are using the Affiliates feature with Self-Signup enabled, then this email notification is sent when the registered user initiates a sign-up through the Members > Affiliate Program page. The feature is enabled from the People > Affiliates page. Check the Enable Self-Signup option. When the new affiliate member signs-up, the following email is sent.

The merchant will also be sent a simple notification indicating that a new affiliate member was created.
Contact Us Confirmation
The Contact Us Confirmation email template is used when a person uses the built-in Contact form. This page can be accessed by going to ContactUs.aspx

You should anticipate customizing the email template to fit your business practices. In addition, the merchant will also be sent a simple notification with the contact information and message that was input by the user submitting the form.
Customer Order Notification
Order Placed
The Customer Order Notification email is a receipt provided to the customer* upon placement of any order, paid or not paid. This is very similar to the customer's online invoice. You may want to change the text that displays in the beginning of the order notification email, as shown in the example below.

*Use the BCC field to copy the email to the merchant
Email list signup with verification
The Email list signup with verification email does not use the standard triggers available. It is a selection from the Marketing > Email Lists page. The Email list signup with verification email should be used with the Signup Rule, Opt-In with Verification. This will send the user an email with instructions to complete a quick verification before being added to the mailing list.

Email list signup notification only
The Email list signup notification only email should be used with the Signup Rule, Opt-In with Confirmation. This will send the user an email as confirmation that he or she was added to the mailing list. There is no additional action required by the user.

ESD file is activated
The ESD file is activated email is used for delivery of digital goods. This email template can be selected from the Catalog > Digital Goods > Manage Digital Goods page. This email is sent automatically when a digital good is activated, or available for download. Within the contents of this email are instructions for returning to the store to login and retrieve the download. One email is sent for each digital good purchased.

Gift Certificate Validated
Gift Certificate Validated
If you are going to sell electronic Gift Certificates, then you will want to review and edit this simple email. When the Gift Certificate is validated by the merchant, this email is sent automatically to the customer. It has instructions to view their Gift Certificate Serial Number online, by logging into their account. The serial number is the same as cash in your store and is not included in this template. In fact, email should never be used to transmit any kind of secure information.

License key is fulfilled
The License key is fulfilled email is typically only used for digital goods that use the built-in Serial Key Provider feature. If you have entered a pool of unused license keys, you can use this email to automatically send the customer a license key for their purchased digital file. The email is sent when the digital good is fulfilled automatically or manually. One email sent for each digital good purchased.

Lost Password
Customer Password Request
From the login.aspx page, there is a "Forgot Password?" link for the user. When clicked, it will allow the user to enter a registered email (username) so that a Lost Password email can be sent with instructions. The user is instructed to check their email and follow the link to reset their password. Clicking the link in the email will bring them to a page where they can create a new password and login.

Low Inventory
Low Inventory Item Purchased
When a product's Low Stock threshold is met, the Low Inventory email is automatically sent to the merchant or vendor. Inventory levels are adjusted when the product is paid for (or shipped), as such, the email is sent when inventory re-order levels are triggered. An example email is shown below.

Note added by customer
Order Note Added By Customer
The Note added by customer email template is used if the customer enters a note from the online order invoice. When this happens, the merchant will receive an email message with the information added by the customer.

Note added by merchant
Order Note Added By Merchant
The Note added by merchant email template is used if the merchant adds a non-private comment to an order. When this happens, the customer will receive an email with the message entered by the merchant.

Order Shipped Partial
Order Shipped Partial
The Order Shipped Partial email is automatically sent to the customer when part of an order has shipped. The email contains shipment details including the status of each shipment in the order.

Order Shipped
Order Shipped
The Order Shipped email is automatically sent to the customer when the order ships, or when the remaining part of the order has shipped. You may want to include some information about your return policies here.

Product Review added by Customer
New Product Review Submitted
This email is only sent to the merchant. When a new product review has been submitted by a customer, the merchant will get an email notification.

Product Review Verification
The Product Review Verification email does not use the standard triggers available. Instead, it is a selection from the Configure > Product Reviews page. If you require email verification for new product reviews, you can select the email template from here. This sends an email to the user who will be instructed to click the link in the email to validate themselves. When the user clicks the link, it will send them back to your store for a quick confirmation and the user can post new reviews.

Product Review Reminder
The Product Review Reminder is an email that can be sent to customer's who have purchased items in your store. You can turn on the Review Reminder Service and select this email or another email that you customize. This selection is available from the Configure > Store > Product Reviews page.

Restock Notification
The Restock notification email is a setting from the Configure > Store > General page. Within the Inventory Control section, you can select the notification email. This email is sent when you adjust the inventory level to at least 1 in-stock and you have users who have signed up to be notified when a product is back in-stock.

For more information on the feature that was added in AbleCommerce Gold R12, see Manage Low Inventory.
Send product to friend
The Send product to friend email is the default template used for the "Send to Friend" feature. If you have this component active in your store, any user can email a friend a link to the product of interest.

By trigger or setting
For full details on email use, see Subscription Settings. There are two types of subscriptions available in AbleCommerce. The classic version uses the triggers shown below. The new Recurring Order subscription feature uses the settings available from the Configure > Store > Subscriptions page.

More subscription email templates are available with the Recurring Order feature including Subscription Expiration notice, payment reminder, and an update to a subscription.
Vendor Notification
Order Paid
A Vendor Notification can be sent when the order is paid. The vendor will automatically receive a Packing Slip email which does not include prices, only product and shipping information. This email is only sent to any vendor(s) associated to products in the order. The Packing Slip can be printed out and included with the shipment. Address type, shipping method, and any special instructions are shown.
