
Digital Files

Digital Files are the physical attachments for your Digital Goods.  If the files are uploaded through the browser interface, then they must conform to the file types allowed as set by the administrator.  If you are going to upload your files through some other protocol, such as FTP, then make sure to place them in the \app_data\Digital Goods\ folder of the installation.

The Digital Files pages are a different way to view and manage the digital goods in your store.

From the top-menu, go to Catalog > Digital Goods.  In the upper-right, click on the tab for Digital Files.

This will bring you to the Digital Files management area, as shown in this example -


The Digital Files management page has two sections.  In the top section, you can create or upload new files by clicking either of the two buttons available.

Create Folder - Click to create a sub-folder for organizing your digital goods.

Upload File - Use this button to upload a file with no association to a digital good.  The types of valid files that can be uploaded are restricted through a built-in security feature under System Settings.

Path - A simple linked directory that can be used to navigate the folders used for digital files.

The bottom part of the page will display any digital goods or folders that have been created.

The first column, File, shows the name of the physical file that resides in the current folder being viewed.  If you have created sub-folders, they will appear here as well.

The second column, Size, displays the physical size of the file.  A maximum of 4mb can be uploaded through a browser form, but AbleCommerce supports any size file if it can be placed in the applicable folders.

The third column, Associated Digital Good(s), shows any linked digital good name(s).  The link will take you to the edit digital good page where you can view or change the configuration and settings.

In the last column, you can click the download icon to test.  

If the download icon doesn't appear, then the physical file no longer exists in the location it is expected to be.

There are additional features which you can access to modify or create new digital goods for the selected file.

The EDIT icon allows you to modify the location of the digital file, as well as change the name.

The COPY icon creates a new Digital Good using the selected file.  For more information, see how to a Add Digital Good to your store.

Click the DELETE icon to delete the Digital File and any associations to digital goods.  If the file was associated to a digital good that was part of an order, it will become unavailable for download.