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Manage Gift Wrap

From the Gift Wrap page, or from the top-menu, go to Catalog > Gift Wrap.  An example Gift Wrap page is shown below.



The Gift Wrap management page displays the name of each Wrap Group, and the number of Gift Wrap styles for each one.  

In the Products column, a counter indicates the number of products that are associated to the Wrap Group.  You need to associate products to the Wrap Group in order to see the Gift Wrap styles available at checkout.

To change the name of a Wrap Group, or if you want to edit/add Gift Wrap styles, click on the EDIT icon.  


The COPY icon creates a duplicate set of the selected Group and all of it's Gift Wrap styles.  Click the DELETE icon to delete a Wrap Group, it's Gift Wrap styles, and any product associations.

Assigning Products to Gift Wrap

  1. To assign products to the Gift Wrap group, you'll need to first go to the Edit Wrap Group page by clicking the blue EDIT icon.


  2. Click on the linked number counter next to Associated Products.  This will bring you to a page that looks similar to the one shown below.


    In the left section of the page, you will see any Assigned Products that are currently associated to the Wrap Group.  

    From the right section of the page, you can search for more products that will be using this Wrap Group.

  3. Using the search form, enter a Product Name and click the SEARCH button.


    You can check the box to Show Thumbnails for the product results.

    The box, Products without Wrap Groups, is checked by default, so you will only be viewing products that are not already assigned to a different Wrap Group.

  4. To associate product(s) to the Wrap Group, simply click the green PLUS icon in the Related column.

  5. It will automatically appear in the Assigned Products section of the page.


  6. As an additional feature, you may select one or more products using the checkbox, and then Move selected products to a different Wrap Group.

  7. When finished assigning products, click the BACK button to return to the Manage Gift Wrap page.


Assigning Gift Wrap to a Product

  1. From Product Editing page, find the section named TAXES & SHIPPING.


  2. Select the Gift Wrap group from the available list.

  3. Click the SAVE button after making your selection.


Gift Wrap options at Checkout

Since each product may have it's own selection of gift wrap choices, we'll need to ask the customer if they want to add gift options.  This takes place on the one-page checkout.


If the user clicks the button to Edit Gift Options, they will be taken to the shopping cart where each product that has gift wrap assigned will be presented.

Here is an example of the Gift Options that are presented to the customer.


Gift Wrap automatically becomes a checkout option for the customer.  The Gift Message displays along with the gift wrapping selection(s) without any additional configuration.





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