AbleCommerce 7 Installation Guide

These instructions are intended for new installations of AbleCommerce 7.x.  This document assumes -

If you have not completed all of these steps, please go back here.


Watch the Installation Video -

Or read the step-by-step instructions below.  These will include additional details with regards to specific versions of AbleCommerce, .Net, and the website settings.




Target the .NET Framework

AbleCommerce supports three versions of the .NET Framework.  Depending on the version of AbleCommerce, you may need to adjust the installation files before beginning.

For Other Versions...

For more information, please reference the AbleCommerce Compatibility Guide.


Managed Pipeline Mode:  Classic or Integrated

AbleCommerce can be installed to a website running in either "Integrated" or "Classic" Managed Pipeline Mode.  To use the "Classic" mode, or read more about this setting, expand this link for additional information.

Note:  NO changes are necessary if your website uses Integrated mode, or if you are installing the latest version of AbleCommerce.


Step 1: Run the Web-based Installer

  1. Copy all program files to the desired location in your website.

    :  If you are installing AbleCommerce to a virtual location, make sure to configure a web directory if necessary.

  2. Open a browser and access the installation page to begin.  

    e.g. http://<your_website_name>/install/default.aspx

  3. Read and Accept the License Agreement to continue.


Step 2: Enter a License Key

On the first page of the install wizard, you will see a section named License Key.  There are three choices here.  

  1. Choose the License Key option

  2. Enter the required information.


When you request a key, make absolutely sure it matches the website name or IP that you are installing to.  After you enter a license key on this page, it will automatically use the website and/or IP the key was tied to.  If you install the wrong key, you will receive an HTTP 404 Not Found error on the next page.  If this happens, simply request a new key through your order.

In order to validate your AbleCommerce license key, you must be able to access from the server that you are installing to.  If this is not possible, let us know in your key request.


Step 3: Connect to the Database

On the bottom of the first page of the install wizard, you will see a section named Database Connection.  There are three choices here.

  1. Choose the Database option

  2. Enter the required information as needed.


Step 4: Acknowledge PCI Compliance

The next step ensures you have acknowledged and reviewed the secure implementation guide.

Be sure to download the link given to the PDF which describes the steps that must be completed to make sure you are using AbleCommerce in a PCI compliant manner.


  1. Check the box if you acknowledge that you have reviewed the secure implementation guide.

  2. Click the CONTINUE INSTALL > button to continue.

  3. If you have entered the correct information, you will see a database confirmation page.   

  4. Click to continue with the last step of the installation wizard.


Step 5: Creating a Store

You should now see the page Install AbleCommerce 7.0.x (Step 2 of 2). This is where you will enter the information necessary to create your store.

  1. Enter the name of you Store.  You can change this later.

  2. Enter the email address of the primary store administrator.  You can create additional store administrators later.

  3. Enter a password.  Write this down! If you forget your admin password, it will not be easy to recover.

  4. Enter the primary address for your store.  You can create additional warehouses later if needed.

  5. Select the Country that you will be doing business with.  We recommend that you select All Countries and remove any later.

  6. The Basic Data option is highly recommended so that you will have a functional store.

  7. The Additional Data is recommended and includes sample products that demonstrate many of the features of AbleCommerce.  After installing, you can use the Quick Start Guide which uses the sample data in demonstration.  The sample data can be easily removed later.

  8. When finished, click the button to Install AbleCommerce.  If successful, you will see a confirmation page.

  9. Click the button to Continue to Admin.

  10. Login using your username and password to access the AbleCommerce Dashboard.


  11. To get started, Check the Alerts Menu and complete any tasks as indicated.

  12. Your first task should be to remove the 'Install' directory.  For security reasons, this folder should be removed immediately after installation.


Apply Latest Updates

After installation, make sure to check for free Service Release upgrades, or Hot Patches as posted in the Announcements section on the home page of this website.


Getting Started

Merchant Guide - Online documentation for using the AbleCommerce program and configuration of features.

 Quick Start Guide - After installation, use this guide to setup and configure your store.



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